Angel Protection (SNO)

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Requested by lucyrose943

3rd POV:

One morning in the supernatural world, a whale made of stone was peacefully floating on the breeze. Within this whale were not one, but two of the rumored Fallen angels told in legends and myths. One of them, the one with black feathered wings, was relaxing on the roof of a house that built onto the whale, drinking his favorite beverage, toffee. The other with white feathered wings protruding from his back was in the down stairs area cleaning up by dusting the place. He was just about finished when a voice called him upstairs.

"Lucas! Bring me more toffee!" The black feathered Fallen called from the roof.

"One second!" Lucas called back to his companion. He then got going on quickly brewing some more toffee. When it was finished, he walked outside in order to fly to the roof.

Once Lucas got to the roof he handed the other fallen his toffee. "There you go Brandon." He looked to the sky that was turning a peach and orange color. "Now, is there anything else that needed to be done?"

"Mmmm... Nope, your free for the rest of the day and perhaps even tomorrow." Brandon sips his toffee and continues to chill where he's at.

"Well if you don't mind, I'm going to go for a fly. I've been cooped up inside this house for too long." Lucas the maid goes back inside and changes out of the maid costume that he was made to wear. He's ready to take off but before he does he shouts to Brandon. "I'll be back in an hour or two."

"Mkay!" Was his only response. And he was off.

Lucas cut through the air, twirling and diving, and just having a grand ole time. He flew through some rocky cliffs and he barely hard a little 'shiiing' sound. As he was coming around another cliff, he suddenly felt something sharp and heavy plunge into his side. He yelled in pain before having to hover in the air to keep whatever it is from tearing out of him. He saw that he had been hit with an arrow that had a thin chain attached to it. He tried to pull it out but that only made it dig deeper into his skin and it started bleeding even more than it already was. A group of humans started to pull him in and it was absolute agony for him to resist. But I ain't about to go to any second location, NO SIR! He tried his hardest to get the arrow out of him while the group of hunters that were throwing nets and firing more arrows. He finally managed to get the arrow out of his side before he got to close to the humans but now he had to hurry back home before he bled out. He hurriedly flew away from the the cliffs, but it was hard since moving his side hurt so badly that he couldn't fly properly.

Meanwhile, Brandon had a sneaking suspicion that things wouldn't be as relaxing as they are. I mean, nothing ever comes easy, especially reward. Then he heard it. A very distant scream, so faint he wasn't sure he heard it. It was like a distorted echo that bounced off the walls of a maze. He questioned his sanity when he turned to where he thought was the source. Then he heard it again and something in his gut was telling him something was wrong. He decided to go in the direction Lucas went, just to make sure he was okay so this feeling could go away and he can finish his toffee. And so, off he went.

He took his time trying to find Lucas, predicting that this wasn't as big a deal as his gut was telling him it was. But then in the distance, he saw a winged figure heading his way. Brandon sighed and flew faster to meet him. He was about to shout to him when suddenly Lucas dropped from the sky! Startled and panicked, Brandon dove down through the air into the trees below. On the way down, Brandon noticed a few leaves that were shining and dripping red. When he finally reached the ground, he saw Lucas lying on his side with blood splattered around him. The dark winged angel immediately checked if the fallen Fallen was still breathing, and thankfully he was.

Brandon picked up Lucas and only then realized how badly her was bleeding. Then the shouts came.

"It went this way!"

"It has to be here somewhere!"

"I thought I saw it fall over there!"

Brandon heard multiple voices coming towards him and something was telling him that these people weren't friendly. He swiftly flew away before he could be spotted and went straight to the whale.

Once he got there he brought Lucas down to his room and bandaged him quickly. It was only a minute or two afterwards that Lucas woke up.

"Ugh... Wha... What happened?" Lucas groggily asked to no one in particular.

"You almost died, that's what." Brandon suddenly spoke from a chair nearby. "You've got to be more careful about where you're going next time." Brandon got up and checked his bandages.

"I didn't exactly plan on getting ambushed today, thanks." Lucas groaned and hissed when he shifted his body a certain way. Brandon readjusted Lucas on the bed.

"I'm just saying, you should always be careful." Lucas sighed once he was comfortable and looked Brandon in the eyes.

"Well thanks anyways." Lucas gave him a little smile then yawned.

"Get some rest. I'll be back to check on you later." Brandon then left the room and went back to the roof.


IT'S FINALLY DONE AND I'M SO SORRY! I know it's been a minute since I've posted but now I (hopefully) have more free time. Sometimes life sucks, and sometimes you just want all your problems to get sucked into a BlAckHoLE- but now things are better with me and I hope to be writing more consistently. Anyways hope you have a great day/night, bye!

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