Date Night (FTO)

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Requested by The_Munchi

Ritchie's POV:

I was really excited for tonight; I'm going to surprise Micheal with a date. I know he has all of his paperwork to do, but it'll be good for him. Plus we haven't had a good movie night in a week and I miss him. I arrive at Grimshade and to avoid all the comments and questions still the guild I just storm blink right into his office. I'm just in time seeing as he is face down on his desk. I poise for the attack just behind his chair and as he raises his head slowly with a snort, I strike.

"GAH, RITCHIE!" Micheal screams at me as I'm bent over laughing. "What was that about!?"

I'm still breathless when I come back with, "Because you've been working for forever!" I lazily attempt to drag the shadow bean out of his chair. "Come on, you need a break."

"Ritchie, you know I can't do that," he turns towards me finally, "besides, I'm perfectly fine, I can go for a few more hours." He tries to turn back to his desk but I manage to rip him out of his chair and hold him under his arms.

"Micheal, I know how hard it is for you to sleep. The bags under your eyes proves it." Micheal pouted in silence for a few seconds before he realized he wasn't getting out of this with the way I, his stubborn boyfriend, hummed.

Finally he gave in with a groan. "Fine. But tomorrow I'm finishing this.* He gestured to the pile of papers on the right side of his desk.

"Mhmm, right." I drew out and I could practically feel his eyes roll. I storm blink us to his home and I set him down on the couch. I raid his kitchen for snacks and I sneak upstairs to his bedroom for blankets. I get back to the living room and Micheal had already picked a movie and was ready to play it. I got comfy next to him and wrapped the blanket around us. I looked at the screen and saw that it was our favorite movie. "You know me so well."

We cuddle for most of the movie but around the end I feel Micheal go limp against me. I look down and I see Micheal is finally getting some sleep. I turn off the TV and I carefully pick up my smol shadow and bring him to his room. I tuck him in and I get in next to him, because I know the only way for to get good sleep is if I'm with him. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into my chest. He snuggles against me and mumbles out, "G'night, luv you." And he's finally asleep.

I stay up for a little while longer, just playing with his hair before I too fall asleep with this final thought. Brandon's gonna kill me for leaving him alone...


Sorry it took so long to get this out I have been really uninspired to continue oneshots I started and yet I keep starting new ones. I'll be writing the next ones and then I'm working on the rest of the plot for DB. Anywaaaays, have a good day/night guys, bye!!

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