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Reveal | The Boyz

Chapter IX

You woke up in a bed,feeling dizzy,you must have been sleeping for more than 8 hours.You tried to get up from the bed but there was a force in your both hands,legs and stomach.Then you figured out that they tied you in a bed like you were an patient in a mental hospital.You looked around you,hoping to see something to help you untie but all you can see is the plain white wall,nothing else.You knew that you can't escape from this room so what you just did is to let the tears flow down.Suddenly,a sound of a door opening can be heard but you didn't even bother looking since you knew it is either one of the boys or all of them is entering the room.You closed your eyes immediately and act to be still asleep.

"She is still asleep.."
A voice said which you think is Changmin.

"Should we wake her up?"
He added.

"We should.Give me the water."
Then you felt water being poured in your face.

You opened your eyes and gasp like you were drowned.Well pouring a water in your face while laying in a bed seems like an indirect drowning.

"See?It is not a bad idea,she is now awake."

"How was your 3 years without us,(Y/n)?"
Sunwoo asked,smiling sadly.

"You must be very happy for that 3 years.Walking around the town without any worries,Bonding with your friends everywhere or perhaps...."
He paused for a bit and then made an eye contact with you.

"Doing lovely things with your boyfriend if you ever have one."

"P-please,let me go!"

"No!You are stuck with us now and we won't let you leave us again."
Eric retorted,angry.

"What am I to all of you?A toy?"


"If not,why I am treated like one?!Why do I feel like one?!"
You shouted,angry and frustrated.

"You all keep playing with me!Why don't y'all just leave me alone!"

"We love you,(Y/n).We were just protecting you from the people outside.They just pull a facade of being good but the real thing is they wanted to harm you in different ways.They wanted to see you suffer but we won't let that happen.You are precious to us,(Y/n) and we will protect you until we die."
Changmin stated.

"Ha!You think I will believe you and your manipulating words?"
You said.

"You all are disgusting monsters!"
And in that,Eric hands landed to your neck and started to choke you.

"You are so ungrateful!We love you!Why can't you just accept it?!"
Sunwoo and Changmin removed Eric Hand's from your neck and tried to calm him down.

"I can't love you back if you keep hurting me!And besides why would I give my love to a monster,huh?!"
Then Eric tried to attack you like an angry bull but luckily, Sunwoo and Changmin is there to hold him back.

"You will regret what you said,(Y/n)!You will fall for us deeply that you couldn't live without us!Mark my words!"
After Eric said those,Sunwoo and Changmin manage to drag the angry lad out of the room.

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