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Reveal | The Boyz

Chapter XX

Someone's POV

I controlled myself from killing Sangyeon-hyung in front of everyone because I can't,even if I want to.I have to maintain my cover so no one will notice me and Jacob-hyung doing moves in their backs and our true motive.No one should.

I went to our room and started punching a certain pillow to release anger.Poor pillow,being hurt without a reason,just like (Y/n).She was just protecting her fragile heart from those motherfuckers who want to hurt and make her suffer.Then I promised myself that I wouldn't let this happen again.Before they could lay a hand to my (Y/n),I will kill them.

"Stop wasting your energy on punching a pillow."
Jacob-hyung said when he entered the room and locked the door.

"I didn't protected (Y/n)!Even If I wanted to,I can't!I fucking hate them from hurting her!I'll kill them!I'll kill them!"
I exclaimed,angry.I could feel my inner wolf wanting to come out as my eyes turned yellow.

"If you want,we can decide who to kill first."
Jacob-hyung said and sat on his bed,opposite to mine.

"Really?!Then I'll make you decide!"

Finally!I can't wait to see them suffer like how they watched (Y/n) earlier!I can't wait to hear them begging to spare their lives!


Short but important chap cuz this is the start of the elimination round!
I just want to warning y'all that the following chapters may be disturbing(I don't really know if it really is) and remember,this is only fictional!Nothing will happen like this in real life

Who is the member do y'all think that is gonna die first?

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