Hey, I See A Ghost

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Tick tick tick
    Seconds went by slowly around this hour. They had just solved a case, and a new one wasn't popping up soon enough. Chloe spent a majority of her day staring at the clock, wondering at what time, or if Lucifer was going to come back. She was so zoned out she didn't realize when Ella popped up behind her.

   "Hey there Decker!" no response. "Chloe?" The Latina tapped on Chloe's shoulder making her jump.

  "Oh gosh, you scared me Ella."
   "Sorry. You kinda zoned out there, you good?"
   "Yeah... yeah, I- I'm fine really."
   "You sure?" Chloe nodded. "Oka-"
   "You know what no! I told him I loved him, and he flew away!"
   "I'm sorry, I know I can't be one to judge but, flew?"
   "Yes! Flew, cause he's the mother f-ing devil. He grew angel wings and flew off the balcony to go to hell and leave me here wondering if and when he's coming back!"

There was a long pause. Tears were flowing down Chloe's face, which she buried in her hands. Ella felt bad, and put her hand on Chloe's shoulder.

"I know, it sound ridiculous and stupid. But I'm not crazy I swear."
"Hey, I see a ghost. I promise anything you say couldn't be any crazier than that."
Chloe let out a light chuckle. "Thank you."
"Hey, let's get out of here. Come one I'll buy you a drink. You need one."

Chloe nodded. The two women stood and walked out. Driving to the nearest bar, they hopped out to get a drink. This was the night Chloe needed. Just a little time alone with a girlfriend, not worrying about the fact that the love of her life just left her.

Depressing I know, they get happier don't worry. Feel free to leave requests, I could use the help. Let me know of any grammar or spelling errors. Hope you liked it, they probably won't get much longer, but I'm hoping they'll get better.

Deckerstar OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now