Jessica Looks Forward To The Seattle Trip

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Jessica: I look forward to going to Seattle! *hears a knock on her hotel door* Is it housekeeping?

MaryKLago: Yes, it's housekeeping!

Jessica: About time! I need more face cloths! *opens the door* You're not housekeeping!

MaryKLago: Of course not! When are you leaving for Seattle?

Jessica: Friday morning. What's it to you, anyway?

MaryKLago: Just curious. *talks to herself* Little does she know, everyone will abandon her in Seattle. *talking to Jessica again* Well, should be fun!

Jessica: Uh huh! I'm waiting for housekeeping, so I can get some more face cloths!

MaryKLago: Here ya go! *hands them to me* All set! See ya! *leaves*

Jessica: What the? How did she? Never mind... *closes the door, and puts them in the bathroom*

This story was written on Wednesday, March 18th, 2020.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks. Even though the coronavirus is happening, I didn't want the Seattle trip to be cancelled! It's still happening, and this is fiction after all, so yeah. Let's just say, the coronavirus hasn't effected anyone at all! ;) ❤❤💙❤💙❤💙💙❤❤💙💙❤💙❤😘😘😘😘😘😘

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