Writer's Block Disturbs Dana

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Writer's Block: Dana?

Dana: *watching a documentary on A&E*

Writer's Block: Dana?

Dana: Shut up! I'm watching a documentary.

Writer's Block: Okay.

Dana: Jeez!

Writer's Block: *listens to music very loud on the computer*

Dana: Turn it down, man! Or, put earphones in! Trying to watch this documentary!

Writer's Block: Sorry!

Dana: Idiot!

This story was written on Friday, April 10th, 2020. (Good Friday)

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! 😘❤😘❤😘❤❤😘❤😘❤😘❤😘❤❤😘❤❤😘❤😘❤

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