Lost memories

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(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color

Is been a week since the New York disaster that the God of mischief, Loki, caused in the city. Tony Stark decided with the other Avengers that they would take Loki to the Stark Tower and keep him under custody there while waiting for Nick Fury's orders. Tony and Thor were walking at the front while Steve and Natasha walked beside Loki, he was between the two. Loki had some handcuffs and a muzzle on, he never resisted to anyone that takes him prisoner but this time something was telling him that he needed to escape. He waited to get to the elevator, when he got in front of it, he elbowed Steve on the stomach and pushed Natasha.

"Loki!." Thor shouted.

Loki started running to the exit, Thor was behind him but he wasn't going to caught Loki at that distance. Just when he was getting to the door, Loki felt a painful hit on the head and fell on the floor painfully. He heard nervous gasps and whispers between the people in the building's lobby.

"What did you do, Thor?!." Tony said angrily while hitting Thor on the shoulder.

"I did not wanted to hurt him, I wanted to make him stumble!." Thor responded, the nervousness was evident in his voice.

Loki's vision turned blurry and he started hearing the voices of everyone getting far away, Natasha and Steve start to examined his condition while Tony argued with Thor. Loki's head was dripping blood, Natasha walked to the two men and gave them a mad look.

"Stop acting like elementary children and help us with your brother!." She shouted angrily and went to help Steve carried Loki.

The four of them hurried to the infirmary. Before Loki lost consciousness, the last thing he saw was the hammer of Asgard stained with blood.


Loki's P.O.V

Oww, my head...what happened to me?.

My eyes felt heavy but still, I forced them to open up. A brilliant light make me close them and start opening them again but carefully. It appears that I'm in a bed.


I sat up and it was when I felt a immense headache. I looked at my reflection in the room's crystal wall and saw some bandages around my head, I decided to trace my fingers against the bandages.

Did I hit my head but...how?.

My eyes widen in surprise by listening the door of the room opened and a blonde haired man enter with another man using glasses and a bright circle in the middle of his chest. I stumbled backwards until my back made contact with the backrest of the bed.

"Oh, finally, you wake up." The man with glasses said, he didn't sound too interested in my health.

"Tony. It's better if I take him to Asgard and when he recovers, bring him back to Midgard." The blonde haired man murmured.

Asgard?...Midgard?...what are does?.

The man with glasses, Tony, sighed in annoyance.

"You can't take him anywhere without consulting with Fury, do you understand, Thor?."

The other man, Thor, stared in my direction and sigh, massaging his temples.

Tony and Thor?. Who are these people?!.

"We have to take him to the surveillance room." Tony mentioned, passing a set of chains and a muzzle to Thor. "Don't forget to put this on him if you don't want him to escape again."

Tony turned around and left the room, leaving the door open.

They will put me on that...but...what did I do?!. Why am I here?!.

I quickly got up from the bed and put distance between Thor and I. My hands and legs are shaking.

I am scared...I AM SCARED!...

"Stay still Loki and do not try anything." Thor said while getting close to me with the prisoner objects.

Loki?, who's Loki?. Is that...me?.

I look around me and find a way to escape from these people. When Thor got closer with the handcuffs, I kick him in the manhood and ran out of the room.

"LOKI!!." I heard Thor scream while I was getting far from the room.

Where do I go!. I do not know where I am going but I have to get out of here!.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned, I saw a man with a shield and a woman dressed in black chasing after me. I get out of there and start going down the stairs quickly, they were still behind me.

Why are they following me?!, I did nothing to make someone want to hurt me!.

I reached the first floor and exid through a glass door. There was a lot of people outside, buildings and strange machines with wheels. I continue to run until I accidentally bumped into someone. I hold my head and looked at the person, it was a woman with (H/C) hair and it seems she was carrying a book because it was on the ground now. My green eyes meet with her beautiful (E/C) orbs, for a moment, I forgot why I was running.

"Hey, be careful!" Her voice broke my thoughts and I took her by the shoulders.

"Please, you have to help me!." I said with desperation in my voice.

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