Magic aura

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Loki stood up from the ground and slowly walked over to the horse. Eiji was paralyzed and end up in a pose of a running horse, (the image above is Eiji and in what pose he is). Loki stood in front of him, he really couldn't believe it nor doesn't know what to do. He waved his hand in front of Eiji's eyes, he touched him to see if the horse got out of the trance, he poured him water, he tried moving him but nothing took him out of the paralysis. Loki started pacing back and forth, thinking what he should do and how he was going to help Eiji.

"Okay, okay, okay. Don't panic, it was just an accident and you don't know what happened." He said to himself but then, he placed his hands on his head. "Oh my Asgard!, what do I do now?!."

Loki felt a sudden pain and sat in the ground in front of Eiji.

"Oww, my head..."

Asgard. I had heard that word somewhere before.

"Arrr!. Loki concentrate!, you have to do something before–"

The sound of a engine interrupted his words and someone's footsteps climbed the stairs of the terrace.

"Oh no, is miss (Y/N)!." Loki said and heard you asking (M/N) where he was. "I have to hide Eiji but, how?!."

Loki bite his index finger and looked around him until he saw something that could help him. A blanket beside the hose and he quickly took it to hide Eiji. While he covered the horse, he could hear your steps getting closer and turned around to see you walking towards him with a smile. Loki smiled back and crossed his fingers, begging for you to not ask about the blanket that was behind him.

"Hi, Loki!." You happily exclaimed when you see him.

"Miss (Y/N), how was work?." He asked, trying to hide his nervousness.

"It was good." You responded. "Mom told me you were repairing the sheep's grating, do you need help?."

Loki stare at you confused, a couple of seconds later, he remembered the grating and shook his head.

"No, it's not necessarily, I already finished. I just need to finish painting it but I will take care of it." Loki said as he waved his hands in front of him and you nodded.

He putted his hands behind his back and, at the same time, you noticed the blanket behind him. You tilled your head sideways with curiosity and pointed at it.

"Loki, what's that?." You asked and the man in question tensed up.

"Nothing!. Is...hay for the horses!." He responded rapidly and took your hand, walking towards the door of the house. "Did you heard that, I think mrs. (L/N) is calling us for dinner. Let us go!."

'I don't hear anything....'

Loki dragged you inside, you looked at the 'hay' once more before continued walking and eat with your mom. Well, you didn't want to eat but you speak with the two of them and gave Loki the book you borrow in the library. He smiled and started to read it the rest of dinner. Finally, you all wash the dishes and went to their respective rooms to rest for the next day. You thought about the blanket in the yard but while you dived more in your thoughts, you didn't noticed when you drifted away in slumber.


After the girls went to sleep and I made sure everything was in silence, I closed the book I was reading and left the room. I walked through the dark corridor to the stairs, I went down, opened the front door and closed behind me slowly to not make noise. I stepped down the terrace stairs and made it to Eiji, sighing in relief that he was still there.

"Okay, now what?." I said as I took away the blanket from the horse and then, crossed my arms. "I stumbled here and end up with my arms in front of my face but my right one was a little bit more in front than the other."

While I analyzed the situation, I repeated what happened but eliminating the part where I fall to the ground. The more I analyzed, the more confused I got and stood in front of the horse once again.

"Think, you did something or it simply wasn't your fault but that is impossible because you were the only one here with Eiji." I whispered, hand in my chin.

Chin up, Loki.

The words of my dream came to my mind and I observed my hands. I raised my head and put my hands in front of me but nothing happened. I closed my eyes and concentrated, waiting for something to happen.

I know that you will achieve everything you decide, if you trust your abilities.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, there was a green aura surrounding my hands.

"I did it..." I murmured in surprise.

I managed to throw the magic aura where Eiji was, it start surrounding him and panic when he snap out of it. I took him my the reins and patted his neck to calm him down. When he calmed down, he rubbed his nose against my cheek as I stare at the green aura running through my arm.

"Eiji, I think I just recovered something that I lost." I said to the horse and gazed at him in the eyes. "This stays between us, if miss (Y/N) found out, I do not know what would happen to me."

I do not want to be taken to those strange and crazy people again.

With that in mind, I took Eiji to his stable and returned to my room. I stared at the ceiling for awhile, thinking about my memories and the word Asgard. That night, I dreamed with a beautiful place, a bridge with the colors of the rainbow was connected to a town that took to a palace. It seems familiar to me but, once again, I couldn't see the faces of the people of the palace. The only thing I could do was let the events been shown to me.


"You're telling me that a criminal is walking like a tourist around New York and you haven't find him yet?!." A male vibrant voice was heard in the room, it was noticeably angry.

"We have eyes everywhere but nothing is out of order." Tony said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Find him before I lose my patience."

The screen lose transmission, Tony walked over to Steve and Natasha.

"Anything?." He asked and Steve negated in response.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, there's no destruction and everything seems in order. Is he gone?." Natasha suggested and at that moment, Thor entered the room. "Thor?."

"Loki have not return to Asgard and have not been seen in any of the other kingdoms." Thor said. "He has not abandoned New York yet."

Steve intervened. "But if he's still in New York, then, where is he?."

The question surrounded all of them and they started to look for an answer.

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