Farm + Library

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9:23 AM

"Have a nice day!." You said your farewell to the client as he gives you a smile and left the shop.

The manager laid against the counter and sighed.

"Thanks, (Y/N). I don't know what I would do without you." She said with relief.

You let out a giggled. "It's not a big deal, next time, don't wake me up at six in the morning just because you don't know how to attend clients with interest in mythology literature. Understood, Scarlett?."

"But you're the best in that topic!."

You both laughed after those exchanges but it became silent afterwards. Scarlett was observing you while you organized some books and she decided to bring the topic.

"Hey (Y/N), did you heard?." She asked and you gave her a confused look.

"Heard what?." You returned her question, confused of what she was talking about. "Remember that since the accident, I don't have signal in my house and the newspaper hasn't reach my door."

"Right, well, is about the accident of New York." The girl mentioned. "It is said that it was a battle between gods."

You were astonished for a moment but then, you started laughing at load. Scarlett stared at you weirdly until you calmed down.

"Scarlett, you know that gods are just mythology characters, how is it possible that they're battling in New York?." You said, not believing what she had said.

She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, and Thor?."

"Any resemblance with reality is mere coincidence." You countered her question.

"It's true!. The God of mischief fought against Thor and the Avengers." Scarlett exclaimed desperately.

You stopped organizing books and turned to your manager.

"The God of mischief...Loki?." You murmured.

Loki. Was it a coincidence meeting a person named Loki yesterday?.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Whoever he is, the Avengers had him under custody and he can't cause any more trouble." Scarlett said. "It's a blessing we have the Avengers protecting the city."

Scarlett started walking to her office and didn't heard you whisper.

"Yeah. Heroes who instead of protecting the city, destroy it but nobody seems to care."


9:23 AM

Meanwhile in another part, (M/N) was teaching Loki how to take care of the harvest and the animals of the farm. Feed the horses, milking the cows, carried seed baskets for the new vegetation, removing weeds with (M/N), between other things and housework. He was a fast learner and in less than an hour, he start working on his own.

"Loki, can you bring me the hose, please?." (M/N) called from the garden.

Loki nodded and went to look for the required object. He took the orange hose and, after start running it, he took it to where (M/N) was. She took the hose from Loki's hands and started spraying the flowers of the garden.

"Thanks, Loki." (M/N) said, patting his head.

Loki remembered that someone did this to him when he do something right and a smile adorned his lips. He closed his eyes as he let (M/N)'s touch transmit love to his being.

"I remember a woman doing this everytime I advanced in my studies." The words left his mouth without thinking.

(M/N) smiled at Loki.

"Do you remember who she is?." She asked but he shook his head 'no'.

"I had a dream about when I was a kid last night but I could not see any of the faces that appeared in it." He responded a little bit discouraged.

"Umm, fear not. I'm sure you will remember them soon." (M/N) said, trying to encourage Loki and looked at her wristwatch. "Hey, how about we take a break?. I'll prepare tea and cookies."

That seems to put Loki in a good mood and enter the house after spraying the flowers with water, and close the hose.


4:55 PM

"And then, the prince charming and Cinderella lived happily ever after. The end." You finish reading the story and close the book as the kids surrounded you and clapped happily.

"Miss (Y/N), do you have a prince charming like Cinderella?." A blond haired girl asked you innocently.

"Me?. No, I don't..." You were interrupted by a brown haired boy with freckles.

"Of course she has!. Miss (Y/N) will marry me when I grow up!."

You giggled hearing that and for a strange reason, you started thinking about Loki.

"Don't you think you're dreaming too much, I'll be the one who marries (Y/N)." Said another boy, hitting his chest with pride.

The two boys started arguing and you tried to interfere but failed, it was then that Scarlett decided to show up.

"(Y/N), your shift is over and I have to close the library." Scarlett said and the children 'awwed' at the same time. "And you two. Stop fighting over (Y/N), is obvious she won't marry neither of you."

You hitted the redhead on the shoulder and mumbled. "Let them dream, Scarlett."

You walked to the counter and took the book that you were gonna return. You come back to Scarlett before leaving.

"Extend the returning date of this book, is that, I haven't finish it yet." That's was a lie, you already finished but you wanted to give it to Loki. Yesterday in the car, he looked very interested in it.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow. "That's unlike you, when it comes to mythology, you always finish the book in a day."

"Well, this time, I didn't. Bye, Scarlett."

With that said, you said goodbye to the children and left the library, not noticing that Scarlett was eyeing you suspiciously. You crossed the street to get to the parking lot, thanked the guard for his hard work and got into your car. You putted the book on the passenger seat and start driving home. You relaxed while listening music in the radio and think how things were in the farm.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). Loki is helping mom and everything most be wonderful." You said to yourself.


5:02 PM

The sheep's grating was broken and Loki offered himself to repaired. (M/N) gave him the tools and the paint for the grating, and said she would cook dinner while (Y/N) got home. It took him two tries in repairing it. The first one, he didn't know how to hammer nails and accidentally doubled five. The second one, a sheep escaped and he went after her. In the end, he made it and start painting the new grating, unaware of the black horse with white hooves opening the gate of his stable. Eiji ran out of the stables and jumped the grating. Loki heard the rampage of the horses and saw Eiji running to the front of the house. The brush he had on his hand fall to the ground and ran to stop the horse.

"Eiji!." He shouted but the horse didn't stop. "Eiji, stop...ACK!."

While calling Eiji, Loki stumbled with a rock and fall to the ground with his arms in front of him. When he fall, a green aura came out of his hand. Loki raised his head and his green eyes went wide as he look in front of him.



Loki- Let us prevent covid-19 together. Avoid contact with the external world and use a facemask if you leave the house. Take care and stay safe.

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