Two hearts in a romantic union

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The dress would be use later on~

Two days later...

Clint, with Tony's help, entered in the security cameras and all of them started the search for Loki on the city. Bruce, Steve and Natasha were investigating the movements in the streets while Tony, Thor and Clint watched the tapes of last week until they found the ones of the day that Loki escaped from Stark Tower. They had been analyzing the tape for at least half an hour, even Natasha, Bruce and Steve joined to help but nothing.

"We had saw the video thousands of times and there's nothing, just him escaping." Bruce said on a tired voice, it looked like he was about hulk out at any moment but Natasha calmed him down.

Tony played the video again and it was then, that Thor stared at something curiously.

"Can you make it backwards?." He asked and Tony nodded, he turned back until Thor pointed at something. "There!."

Tony paused the video and everyone observing the place that he pointed out.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "Is just Loki running away from our position when we went out of Stark tower."

"You do not see?, there is an arm there." Thor said.

"He's right." Tony responded, enlarging the image. "Someone helped him escape."

"I think I have an idea of who could had helped him." Clint mentioned, crossing his arms.

Thor didn't like the comment. "Maiden (Y/N) is not guilty. Stop beaming her for everything!."

"That's enough you two." Natasha said, getting between them. "He's right, Clint. What's important now is that we have a clue." She turned to Thor. "Thor, if it's her, maybe Loki is controlling her like he did with Clint."

"Is not her, I am certain of my words." Thor confirmed and walked to the door.

"We haven't finish yet!." Natasha exclaimed but he was already gone.


"Thank you, come again." You said, waving goodbye to a client.

Scarlett got close to you as you accommodate some books on the history section and tried to ignore her.

"Come on, (Y/N). You can't be mad at me forever." Scarlett whined as she tried to get your attention. "I promise you that I won't close the library for my stupidities."

You looked at her expressionless. "Don't make promises that you can't keep."

You walked to another section to get away from your manager and continue your work but she keep following you. Someone called you and you went to help.

"How can I help you?." You asked with a smile.

"I need a book about Gods of Olympus." The teenager responded.

"Sure!. Let me see..." You started to search between the books until you find it. "This one, it's a great guide for what you're looking for."

The teenager took the book. "Thanks. You're the best, (Y/N)."

"You're welcome. I hope you like it, Mary." You smiled at her.

"(Y/N), please, listen to me." Scarlett begged. "Anyone makes a mistake."

"Ruining what I love is not a mistake!." You said a little angry. "If I'm still here, is for the kids that come to see me on the afternoons, not to be here with you."

The bell of the shop jingle and you went to attend the client.

"Welcome." You said with a smile and you were surprised to see who it was. "Loki, what're you doing here?."

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