Do you think you can fly in the sky?

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"Alright. Then, gather the others while I make my round to (Y/N)."

Clint went out of Bruce's room and made his way towards the surveillance room. Clint met with Bruce on his way to his room and required his assistance on upgrading some of his arrows for the battle with Loki, if there was going to be one. On his way to his objective, he heard hits that came from one of the rooms of the facility and stopped in front of it when he located it.


"Steve?!." Clint exclaimed and started working on the system from the outside.

After some minutes, he made it to rehabilitate the system and the door opened. Steve exited the room and quickly started walking towards the surveillance room. Clint decided to follow him, since he was heading to the same place.

"What were you doing locked up there, Steve?."

"Loki is here." Steve responded, Clint was shocked and started preparing his bow. "He stoled my shield. I'm sure that he'll pretend to be me to free (Y/N) and attack the others. Activate the Intruder protocol!."


"It will hurt."

When the doors of the elevator opened, Loki threw Tony towards one of the lab's tables, knocking down tests tubes and other glass utensils to make experiments. The fall was painful.

"Arg!." Tony tried to stand up but fall to the floor again due to the pain. "Fucking fool!."

"Not anymore~." Loki responded, coming closer to Tony with slow steps. "You see, after losing my memory thanks to you and your friends, I met my beloved queen and for that, I thank you."

Tony looked up. "You're manipulating her, that's not love."

Loki gave him a dangerous look like a warning but Tony keep talking.

"You keep her by your side because you know her profile. In the army, her father is the boss and her older brother is the commander. I'll say it one more time, you chose well, bastard."

Loki smiled. That smile was so brilliant that it could dim the lights of the lab but anyone could tell that it was fake, he just wanted to irritated Tony with it.

"Actually." He took Tony by the collar of his shirt and raised him up a little bit. "It was pure luck."

Loki got prepared to throw him a second time but stop himself when he saw you with the tesseract on your hand.

"Loki, don't hurt him anymore or you'll attract the other's attention towards us." You said, placing your other hand over his, the one that was grabbing Tony.

"Alright. It would be next time." Loki said, letting him fall to the ground. "Wait, that is right, there won't be a next time~." He gave Tony an innocent smile.

Loki was having fun like a child on his birthday and you couldn't denied that you liked his other persona too. Just when you both were going to knock Tony out, the protocol alarm was activated and the three of you exchange glances. Loki took your hand and abandoned the lab through the emergency door that was in it. As you both ran, the doors of the facility started closing and the windows were protected by metal rolling doors.

"(Y/N)!." Loki exclaimed and you focused your gaze on him. "The tesseract, give it to me!."

You quickly handed it over to him.

"There is a chamber full with ships ahead, we will take one and get out of here!."

"But, what would we do if the ship doesn't take off?!." You asked a little worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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