...In reality again...

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"There. That would close up your injury for now."

"Thank you, lady (M/N)."

The Avengers were in the (L/N) residence. When they arrived, (M/N) let them in and they saw Thor sitting on the couch while making pressure on his wound that he had on his side. Natasha, Clint and Tony checked out the house as Steve and Bruce stayed in the livingroom looking at (M/N) nursing Thor.

"Clear." Tony said, entering the livingroom with Natasha and Clint. "Jarvis, try tracking miss (Y/N)'s phone."

Natasha took a seat next to (M/N).

"Mrs. (L/N), where is your daughter?." Natasha asked.

"She...left with Loki. She said that she was going to stay with a friend." (M/N) responded, her voice shaking.

"Does she had shown some strange behavior lately?." Clint asked with a raised eyebrow.

(M/N) turned to him. "No, well, except for today." She sighed. "She told me to leave but didn't give me a reason and then, she just walked out the door and Loki...just followed her."

"What about Loki, does he had acted strangely?." Steve asked, joining the conversation.

"No. Loki's a sweet boy, he helps me with the farm and takes care of (Y/N) very much. The poor thing lost his memory on the accident of New York." The woman responded.

'Lost his memory?!.' They thought at the same time.

All of them stayed silent for a moment until Clint broke it.

"Sorry to tell you these but, mrs. (L/N), Loki is a criminal."

"He killed eighty people in two days." Natasha added.

"I told you he is adopted." Thor intervened. "But he is my brother and I would take him back to Asgard."

Steve tells her what happened on the accident and (M/N) couldn't believed what she was hearing, Loki killing people?, but he was a little angel...at least for her.

"I find them!. They're returning to New York." Tony exclaimed but then, cursed under his breath. "Damn it, I lost transmission. We have to be moving!."

They left the house and return to work. (M/N) felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to who got her attention with almost teary eyes.

"Mrs. (L/N), I'll bring your daughter back safe and sound." Clint said determined.

"We have to leave, Clint!."

He walked to the door but stopped before going out.

"I promise you."


It all happened too fast...

"If you destroy that bridge, you will never see her again!."

But he didn't listened, he just keeps destroying it. I took my scepter to stop him but it was too late, bisfrost break with mjolnir's strength and made an explosion, making us fly off the place. From one moment to the next, father was holding my brother's cape, my brother was holding my scepter and I was holding the scepter to not fall into the void.

"I could have done it!." I exclaimed, looking at father. "I could have done it, father!."

I just wanted my brother's wellness, that he could be with the woman he loves but he decided to destroy bisfrost and stop me before his happiness.

"No, Loki..." Father answered, staring at me with that look.

I always hated that look. The look of disapproval, a look that I had received my entire life. I knew that it didn't matter what I do, I would NEVER receive his approval. I looked at the void and looked at my brother one last time, I prefer to the swallow by a black hole than kept being one more object on my father's collection. I started slipping from my hold on the scepter and my brother, Thor, stared at me shocked.

The memories that I lostWhere stories live. Discover now