Shopping in New York

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It has been a week since Loki joined the (L/N) family. He was a great help around the farm, you both shared the same tastes in books, your mother adore him like her own son and had made it to recovered fragments of his memory. The more you and Loki spend time together, the more you both understand each other and start creating a bond between each other. You were talking about today's market with your mother when you received a call from Scarlett.

"Hey, Scarlett." You greeted the redhead.

"(Y/N)!. Less books, more freedom!."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Don't tell me the library will be close just because you want to party."

"Yes~, it's gonna be tremendous." Scarlett announced. "Why don't you come with me?."

You took a deep breath to calm your bad vibes as (M/N) and Loki observed you, they could feel the darkness coming out of your body.

"Are you alright, miss (Y/N)?." Loki decided to ask and you smiled at the man.

Why does he has to be so pure...

"Uuuh~, who's voice was that I heard?~." Scarlett's voice broke the pure thoughts you were having about Loki and your anger got worse.

"That voice was from shut up and listen." You said, emphasizing the last part. "The next time you close up my job for your stupidities, consider my resignation at your desk."

Scarlett turned pale. "What?!. No!, no, (Y/N) wait—"

You hung up before she could finish. (M/N) placed her hand on your shoulder to calm you down while Loki tried to whole back a laugh. You hugged your mother and walked to the table where Loki was sitting with a book in front of him.

"I'm okay, Loki." You responded to his question, patting his raven hair. "Something you want to know today."

He thought for a moment and decided to ask something that was on his mind this days.

"Asgard, what is Asgard?."

You gave him a smile and left the kitchen, after some minutes, you came back with a book on your hands. You placed it in the table in front of Loki, he saw a golden palace and, connected to it, was a rainbow bridge. His emerald eyes widen at the sight of the picture. the palace in my dream.

"Nordic mythology. Asgard, the realm of the gods." You said while pointing at the picture. "Gods like Odin, Frigga, Thor and Loki live there."

Loki furrowed his eyebrows. "Loki?."

You nodded and passed two pages, a image of a man with raven hair and green eyes was shown on the page.

"Loki, God of mischief. He's the master of illusion, in the arts of manipulation and knowledge in magic. Rumors say that Frigga teached him magic while Odin trained Thor and over the time, Loki surpassed his mother." You said, your voice showed excitement as you spoke of the mythological God. "That's why I found your name so peculiar."

Before Loki could say something, someone closed the book with force, surprising the both of you and looked up.

"No more books for you two, I want you both to do something while I'm at the market." (M/N) said.

"But mom, since I have the day off, I'll go to the market to help you with the sales and Loki can help too." You said in protest and Loki nodded in agreement.

"Nothing of that!." The woman exclaimed. "Not everything is work in life, (Y/N). I want you to go to New York and have fun with Loki, I don't know, go shopping or dancing."

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