Avengers base, glass prison

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"I don't think this was a good idea!." Steve exclaimed, his level of anger was very high.

"And what did you wanted me to do?!. Punch her?!." Tony answered with the same anger.

Tony went out the surveillance room and Steve, indignant, go after him. After being semi kidnapped by Tony, they put you inside a glass dome and left to prepare to go after Loki. There were security cameras in every corner and Clint gave your glass cell rounds every fifteen minutes. There was no way to escape and even if there was, you will probably get caught before you reach the door. You surrounded your legs with your arms, bringing them close to your chest and placed your face in between your knees.


You heard a couple of knocks on the cell's glass.

"Miss (L/N)."

You raised your sight from your knees to see a man standing on the other side.

"What do you want?." You asked annoyed.

"My name is Bruce Banner, I know that Loki submitted you to follow his orders but you will be fine." Bruce said, looking at you in the eyes. "You will be save soon."

You stood up. "There's no one to save, mr. Banner." You responded as you bring your face closer to the glass. "What I did, I did it of my own free will. Not because of a brainwash."

Bruce glared into your (E/C) eyes.

"They aren't blue." He whispered and started walking towards the exit. "We will return you with your mother after capturing Loki."

"No, don't take me with her!." You exclaimed but he didn't stop, he just keep walking until he left the room. "PLEASE!."

When he left the surveillance room, Bruce bumped into Natasha on the hallway and stopped in front of her.

"How is she?." Natasha asked.

"She...Loki isn't controlling her." Bruce said, looking away. "Thor told me that when Loki manipulates minds, the eyes of the victim turn blue."

Natasha was at a lost for words.

"Where's Tony?." He asked.

"He has to be on his lab now but he's mad after his argument with Steve, so, talk to him slowly." Natasha responded.

Bruce nodded and made his way towards Tony's laboratory. When she make sure he left, she entered the surveillance room and came closer to the glass dome, she saw your back against the glass.

"Your name is (Y/N), correct?." Natasha asked but didn't receive a response. "Why were you helping Loki?, even if you weren't under his control."

You turned to looked at her from the corner of your eye. "The only thing that I did was help an innocent man."

"Killing eighty people and destroying a city is innocent to you?!." She angry exclaimed. "Then, you're more naive than I thought."

"Maybe." You muttered, standing up and glared at her. "But that doesn't make you any different. A girl that grew up being an assassin until she was taken in S.H.I.E.L.D by Nick Fury, you killed millions of people but for been on the heroes team, no one considers you evil."

You gave her a pity face and Natasha was shocked at what you said.


"Reading has their advantages." You responded with innocence. "I watched a couple of videos about the accident of New York and Loki had, twice, the opportunity to kill Captain America but he didn't do it. He brainwashed Hawkeye and he's an assassin, then, why he didn't send him to kill people or you guys?. I'll tell you why, heroes and villians aren't different. Both have their goals and each one of them is their own hero but, with the pass of time, they decided to cut the wings of the other heroes for having different goals and called them villians. You think you're different after the crimes that you committed?, my answer for you is no."

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