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Its been 3 weeks now I've been in the prison. They have tried almost every kind of torture method but have landed on injecting me with the shifting drugs as it had the most results. 

They're up to  10 injections at once to get the reaction they want. I'm in hell, constantly paralyzed in pain, mouth dripping with foam eyes ears and nose dripping with blood. My cell is now covered in nasty substances. 

With the combination if the drug greatly weakening me and the complete absence of food I've been losing weight and strength extremely fast. 

These days with the cuffs sucking out all of my powers and the drug running through my system I've barely been able to move let alone talk. 

Aimoto is watching me carefully almost all the time and Donny and Elle are talking to me, telling me stories and trying to distract me from my reality. 

They come in every few hours, once they notice the drug's effects lessening and inject me again so that I'm in constant pain. 

It has been getting easier and easier to handle the pain but the weakness is hard to look past. I can barely keep my eyes open most days but I can't sleep either. I'm just stuck, feeling and suffering. 

"Hey Ellie." I heard a soft voice above me. I forced my eyes open to see a very very concerned looking Sidney. 

I managed to force out a reassuring smile before closing my eyes again. 

"I'm going to get you out of here El, I promise, we're trying so hard and we're close. We're going to figure something out."

She reached through the bars and grabbed my hand in comfort, I managed to give it a weak squeeze before going limp again. 

I heard Sidney sniffling above me, she was trying not to cry. 

I opened my eyes again with a frown. There were a couple tears running down her face. 

I fought against the cuffs' magical sucking properties. My body might be weak but my mind was still going strong. I fought and I fought until I broke through. 

I let my body fill with that amazing feeling of magic running through my veins. I found Sidney's mind and reached out to it, placing a message in her brain. 

'Please don't cry, I'll be fine.' I placed in her brain. 

She gasped for a second, getting used to the unfamiliar feeling before more tears fell down her face and sobs racked her body. 

She was so sweet, I didn't even know her that well. We've been talking a lot in the last few weeks, I just lost the ability to talk about a week ago so she's started talking to me while I listen. 

It was amazing how much she could care about someone she barely knew, she did the same for me the first time we met, when she kidnapped me then ended up saving me from my father. 

"How is she?" Donny asked softly. 

Sidney just cried harder, unable to answer. 

I reached to Donny's brain. 'I'm fine, don't worry.' 

'Ellie?' He replied in his mind. 

'Who else.'

'How are you doing this?'

'You know I am a white stag.'

'Yes, but you're locked up in those cuffs, not to mention this entire prison suppresses any extra abilities.'

'I know but I'm fighting against it, I can't do much but at least now I can speak.' 

I heard Elle crying and switched into her brain. 

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