Chapter 12 | Over The Hill

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"Are you sure you can't see anything?" James asks for the fifth time, his voice my only sense of direction in this darkness.

"I'm sure, James," I roll my eyes, although he won't see it through the blindfold.

Tall grass nips at my thighs and a refreshing breeze blows against my face, warm light confirming the sun directly ahead. Sharp rustling from James' long strides guide my blind path, my hands protectively outstretched in mistrust of my judgment. Several ba's and maa's alert me of sheep that feed in the pasture all around, and a hint of adventurous emotion tweaks in me as I wonder where James has brought me.

"I think I'm going to go insane if you keep this blindfold on me any longer!" I shout across whatever distance may be between us, tempted to yank the old handkerchief from my eyes.

"Well I would hate to see that happen," he practically whispers, his voice sounding nearly half a foot from my ears.

Gasping, I skittishly jump back in surprise, my hands flying reflexively to the blindfold in attempt to rip its bonds from my eyes.

But his hands stop me mid-air, slowly lowering them back down to my side.

"If I may," he coos, and his long fingers easily loosen the knot in the back of my head. Brightness takes the place of my previous blindness, and my eyes shut in restrain. Once the colorful spots in my eyelids begin to fade, I gingerly peek my eyes out from under my eyelashes, bright blues and greens splotching my vision.

"Surprise, love," he smiles, his anxious glance waiting patiently to see my revealing reaction.

A meadow. On a beautiful hill, surrounded by grazing sheep. An old, stone fence borders the large hill that overlooks a quant cottage with a yellow door, and a decent barn sounding with chickens and ducks.

"Home," I whisper before spinning around to meet James' gaze, "This is wonderful."

"It's where we first met," he grins, bashfully placing his hands in the pockets of his tan trousers. "The first time I ever saw you, you were lying up in that patch of grass, gazing up into the sky."

I laugh, "Dreaming my days away."

"To be fair, you looked like quite the fairytale when you strode down that hillside, demanding I be kind to your mare," he chuckles at the memory.

"Demanding? That's rather rash, James. I was simply implying that you be aware of her soft feelings."

"You know, my mum once told me that animals don't have feelings."

"That's a terrible lie," I insist humorously.

"I suppose that's one thing we humans will never know for certain," he smoothly smirks through a soft chuckle.

Abruptly, I hold a hand to him, and he hastily accepts with a warm smile. The breeze swims through the loose strands in my hair as we walk against the wind, towards the sun, whose rays light up the blades of grass in a fiery inferno. Bells clink and ring as the sheep wobble around, straying at the slightest sound and the faintest movement, their coats drenched in warm sunlight.

I risk a quick glance in James' direction as we path our way through the pasture, and it wipes away the reality of tomorrow. His face radiates the sunlight, burning in a golden glow that twinkles in his blue eyes and highlights his features.

Thin clouds whisk over the sun and drown in the bright colors of dusk; a red sea that slowly fades into a dark pool of cobalt blue, shimmering with starlight. It's like a fairytale; the happy-ever-after.

But if happy-ever-afters' existed, this wouldn't be the end. I wouldn't have to let go.

"Let's run away to Never Land," I whisper, "And let's never come back."

"Reality hits much harder when you force yourself to believe it doesn't exist," he sobers sadly, his eyes stating intelligence and wisdom. "We'd have to return sooner or later, darling. It's elementary; the law of physics. Everything that goes up has to come down, but the higher you go the harder the fall."

"I'd rather make the highest height and the hardest fall than lose you to the lowest," I admit honestly, "Can't we break the laws?"

"Outlaws never win, love," he states.

"No one wins, James. Ever."

"Only the lucky ones."

"Who says we can't be the lucky ones?"

"Reality. It's what it all comes back to."

"Then let's forget reality for now," I compromise desperately, "I just want to be with the James I met here two months ago. Not the Captain. You."

And as if my words struck a feeling, he brings me close to his chest, gently cupping my cheeks with his palms, and pulls me into a kiss. Such longing, and passion is felt through his lips. But a stronger...sadness; desperation. As if this is the last chance to hold on, the last time to cherish a feeling.

Breaking the kiss for an intake of air, he lowers his forehead against mine, our eyes blazing in the sunlight as we meet each other's strong gaze. He breaths a laugh as he licks his lips, his hands desperately grasping my waist.

"Shall we come back to reality?" I whisper.

"I think it's far too late for that," he grins, "I don't think I ever want to go back."

"Then we're finally on the same page, of the same play," I chuckle breathlessly.

"Don't let me go tomorrow," he mutters, his eyelids falling.

"I don't think they'll let me keep you, Captain Nicholls," I humorously smile.

"I'm going to miss you, Katherine."

"I'll miss you more."

"Don't be so certain, love."

"I might get cocky without you around."

"You won't forget me now, will you?" he anxiously asks, his eyes bolting open with wonder.

"That's a silly question, James," I teasingly scold, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You never know wh-"

"Shh!" I quickly interrupt, grasping the edge of his jacket to silence him. Slowly, insuring myself of his continual silence, I rest my cheek against his chest, my head rising and falling with his even breaths.

"I'm sorry, love."

"Me too, James."



Ugh. These chapters are annoyingly short. Sorry guys! I don't seem to be to good at writing lengthy pieces, but it's all I have for now.

But WOO-HOO! 700 reads! How exciting! Only 300 reads away from 1K! Thank you guys. I love you all so much <3

Oh, and my gosh, can't forget this. Guess who's birthday it is? That's right! The very one-and-only Tom Hiddleston's! Today our little Brit turns 34 years old! HE IS GROWING UP SO FAST! Comment "Happy 34th Birthday Tom!" and let's see how many birthday wishes we can get for our Hiddles.

(Also, please follow me on Instagram! You can find me as @/tcmhxddlxstcn)

Anyways, as usual, vote if you liked it, don't vote if you didn't like it, and comments are absolutely fantabulous.

- 〽️️️️iddleAsgard, at your service.

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