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ok, but this one is really good. really funny, too. and not the cheesy way.



Keith was in a bit of a pickle.

He still didn't know how everything had gotten so complicated. Just... one thing had led to another, and certain lies had tripped over and tangled with other ones, and now...

Well, now everyone on the team knew he had a crush. He couldn't believe he was so obvious about it. He thought he'd been acting normally, the same as he always did, but apparently there was something different about him. When Hunk had confronted him, he'd said he could tell because of how grumpy he'd been acting. And when Shiro had intervened, he'd said it was because he'd noticed Keith blushing - for the first time ever.

Except the worst part wasn't that everyone knew he had a crush, even though at one point in time, he definitely would've thought that that was the worst it could possibly get. No, the worst part of all this was the fact that they each thought he liked different people.

Keith wasn't entirely sure how his mind worked. Each and every time it'd happened - someone cornering him, pestering him, looking at him with those wide, knowing eyes - he'd told himself he wouldn't tell. Deny, deny, deny. But they'd kept pushing, kept pressing, and finally - just to get them off his back - he'd said a name. A different name, every time. God, he was the absolute worst.

"Just tell me!" Hunk had begged, hands gripping Keith's shoulders. "I won't tell anyone, I promise. Plus, wouldn't it be nice to confide in someone?"

Not a chance, Keith had thought. And tired of being shaken - because Hunk had literally been shaking him - he'd finally blurted, "It's Allura, okay?"

And really, it was Hunk's fault for believing him. Did he really think Keith was straight?

But then it'd happened again. And again. With Shiro, all big brotherly and supportive, and then Allura, the nosy gossip. Even Lance had realized something was up, and Keith had actually stuttered and stammered his way through that response, for once.

So now his life was a shit show. He'd told Hunk and Shiro that he liked Allura, who he'd told that he liked Romelle, who he'd told that he liked Pidge - who, by some stroke of luck, hadn't bothered digging into his love life at all. And then there was Lance, who thought he had a crush on Hunk.

Each and every one of them were trying to help him out, too. Shiro kept pairing him and Allura up on missions, and Allura kept stealing Romelle's seat at dinner, which meant Romelle ended up sitting next to him. Meanwhile, Romelle had been talking him up to Pidge - "did you know Keith fixed the laundry shoot?" "I just kicked it, Romelle." "And yet no one else thought to do that." Everyone was driving him insane, and he didn't know what to do anymore.

Any interaction with another one of his team members resulted in sly looks being sent his way. Except none of them even knew who he actually liked! It was infuriating, and weird, and this was why he never would've told anyone he had a crush if it'd been up to him.

Once, when Hunk had passed Keith the salt at dinner, Lance had kicked Keith's shin in excitement, and Keith had grimaced at him in the imitation of a smile. He wasn't sure how much longer he could take this - but then, apparently, he didn't have to take it anymore. At which point he decided that he could deal with his horrible living situation for forever, please and thank you.

He didn't know how it came up. The team was just hanging out together in the common room after a mission, which probably wasn't a good idea, seeing as how hanging out with any of them meant endless suffering. For Keith, at least.

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