L'insecte de L'amour

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oooooh a love bug....
found here : https://archiveofourown.org/works/14742620

l'insecte de l'amour


"I don't know what I've been told!" Lance sang, going in for what felt like his billionth rendition of this stupid chant. He changed up the lyrics every time, though Keith was sure he was repeating lines by now. No one had called him out for it because no one could be especially sure, having all been doing their best to tune the idiot out. "But Keith's big mullet must have mold!"

"Are you kidding me?" Keith snapped, turning to glare at Lance and subsequently walking into a branch before him. He'd been steadily cutting the vegetation out of his way for most of the walk, but he'd forgotten to swing his sword in his irritation.

"I'm sorry, did I offend you?" Lance said innocently, ducking under a branch in his way. He swung his bayard up to rest on his shoulder. Keith had to resist telling him to deactivate it at least, lest he accidentally shoot off his own head.

"I wash my hair!" Keith said, annoyance making itself clear in his voice. He'd had this very same argument with Lance before, in a variety of ways in a multitude of places, so he should've known it was pointless to argue. It was just - ugh! It wasn't even a mullet! And it wasn't greasy, he showered every fucking day, given how often he trained.

"Stop arguing, you two," Shiro chimed in from up front, moving a bit stealthier through the forest. Keith suddenly winced, glancing behind himself at the path of carnage he'd left, and wondered if Shiro wasn't karate-chopping branches out of his way for a reason.

Keith shut up, not really caring to argue anymore anyway. If he was being honest, he'd just been willing to latch onto any form of a distraction, at this point. They'd been walking through the sweltering jungle for what felt like hours now, still looking for some precious artifact that that Mala'yans wanted them to collect before they'd join the coalition.

It was pretty much bullshit, anyone wanting anything from them when Voltron was literally just trying to save their asses, but whatever. If they had to trudge through a stupid jungle to find some stupid stone to save some stupid three-foot-tall aliens, then so be it. If only the experience could be just a little bit less horrible, like if Lance were to stop singing.

He picked up right where he left off.

"One, two!" he chanted. No one joined in for the next numbers, so he deepened his voice and added himself, "Three, four!"

Keith glared at him out of the corner of his eye, only to find Lance already looking at him, grinning. He'd taken his helmet off some time ago - all of them had, their hair plastered to their skin and their visors fogging up with their heated breaths - and it was tucked comfortably under his arm.

"I'm going to kick you," Keith said lowly, low enough that Shiro wouldn't hear him and reprimand him. Lance just raised his eyebrows.

"Why would you kick me when you could -" he broke himself off though, his eyes growing wide and his mouth flattening into a straight line. Keith froze on instinct, his blood boiling in his ears as he waited for something to happen; a Galra soldier to pop out of the bushes, a giant robeast to descend on them, anything.

When nothing happened and Lance just continued to stare at him like that, Keith hissed, "What?!"

"Shh!" Lance said immediately, before he pointed with a shaking finger. Keith turned his head, following the line from Lance's pointer finger to the tree directly beside him. And there, maybe the size of half his face, was a gigantic bug. It was pink, funnily enough, which probably meant it was poisonous, like most colorful insects were - at least on Earth. It was crawling slowly up the tree, appearing to have not yet noticed Keith.

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