A Shove Towards Love

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A Shove Towards Love

found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7906597?view_full_work=true

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Lance jerked his shoulder, trying to dislodge the hands that held him down.

For all that these people claimed that they were peaceful, they sure as hell knew how to throw down. Lance may have not been the strongest of the paladins of Voltron, but even Hunk was having a tough time breaking free of the aliens' grip on him. He was red-faced and panting, chest heaving as he tried to wrench himself free.

"Hunk, this isn't working!" Lance called, only to have the hand on his shoulder tighten to the point of pain. The alien made a strange, gurgle-like sound, one that meant nothing to Lance, but insinuated a clear threat: 'don't move, or you'll get it'.

What he would get, Lance wasn't sure, but whatever it was couldn't be good. He obeyed and went still, but only so he could look at their surroundings.

They were in front of some sort of altar, shining crystal sparkling on all sides. In the middle of a pool of water was what looked like a gigantic statue of some kind of a holy figure holding its palms outward. Water gushed from the ceiling of the cave, pouring over the statue's palms and spilling into the pool below.

Right where they were taking Keith.

"What are you doing with him?" Allura demanded waveringly. "Please, tell me what's going on. I know you don't want to fight us. I can feel it!"

"Who cares about that!" Pidge shouted. "Let me go! Let all of us go! Why does this always happen to us? We go to a peaceful planet, and then people start trying to kill us!"

It hadn't started out that way. At least, not that Lance could tell. How a mission could have gone so wrong, so quickly was a mystery.

They were travelling through the galaxy, trying to pinpoint a civilization of peoples that needed assistance on the outskirts of Zarkon's territory. So far, they hadn't found anything that wouldn't take a large-scale plan of action to accomplish anything significant. That was when they suddenly received a distress signal.

A nearby planet was hailing any nearby ships in the vicinity, and as soon as the signal came in, Allura called the paladins into the control room.

"Paladins!" Allura said once the team was assembled. "We've just received word from a planet nearby that they need our help."

"We're sure this is a legitimate distress call, right?" Hunk ventured. "You remember what happened last time."

Last time, it had been a trap set by Zarkon's forces and they barely escaped intact. They all looked at Allura, who returned their gazes unflinchingly.

"You are correct, Hunk," she said. "Last time was a disaster, but we will not make the same mistake again. I had Coran look through our ships files for any information pertaining to this planet. You will be surprised to find out that we knew this planet long, long ago, many years before I was born. Coran, if you will."

She gestured to the ship's console. Coran scrambled to obey, and soon the planetarium display had popped up. Muttering to himself, Coran swiped across the galaxy until he had reached a small, but beautiful planet. Like the Balmera, its surface was glimmering with light, its land forming intricate patterns.

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