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Now, imagine how livid I was during the movie when Lauren sat in Lucy's fucking lap and giggled with her all throughout 2Fast 2Furious!

Seriously! That movie is my fucking jam but I didn't get to enjoy it because the entire time I was looking at Lauren the whole time...because she was being obnoxious of course.

Dinah and Ally got tired in the middle of the movie and walked back to Ally's room.

"You two are fucking annoying." I muttered grumpily. We were all eating pizza in my room. All my bed sheets were in the washing machine, for obvious reasons, so we're just sitting on my mattress.

"Okay?" Lucy snapped. Lauren continued eating her pizza and just looked down at her lap, then spoke up after a while of awkward silence.

"You're a fucking asshole...by the way." She said shyly.

"How am I the asshole?"

"You're mean for no fucking reason. I'm happy you got this self confidence but...maybe you got too much. I miss the old Camila. Plus, and no offense Luce, but Camila, you're always shoving it into my face that you love Lucy and that I'm just your little toy but then you tell me you love me? You've fucked me over in a three day time period? You call me toxic when you're the manipulative bitch that can't make a fucking decision." Lauren huffs and I just sit on the bed.

"It's your fault!" I yell pointing at Lauren. Lucy's eyes immediately widen.

"No! You're not gonna play the fucking blame game! I've known you for 5 years already and every time something doesn't work in your favor-"

"Shut the fuck up! Shut up, Lucy! Lauren it's you're fucking fault! You made me fall in love with you! I never stopped! Never and so much shit has happened in the last 24 hours and I'm
not sure anymore...it's all my fault, I'm worthless."

Please let this work.

Lauren and Lucy stare at me with glares that could kill and I knew that that tactic wouldn't work this time.

"You need help, Camila. Serious fucking help; you attention whore." Lucy spits out.

"We're fucking done you cheating prick." The girl picks up her stuff and leaves the house. I smile and lean towards Lauren.

"Well now that she's out of the way, I can have you all to myself." I smirked.

"No! No...what the fuck is wrong with you, what happened? Did you get brain damage or something?" Lauren shouts. Dinah and Ally come running in.

"What's going on?" Dinah asks.

"What the fuck is wrong with, Camila! Someone fucking explain! Why are you such a manipulative bitch! I can't fucking stand-" Lauren gets cut off when Ally yells.

"Look! Shut the fuck up and listen. We're all angry and confused? Wanna know why Cami is acting like this? 'Cause Camila hasn't been taking her meds causing her to act like how she's behaving now. She developed a pretty serious mental illness after her mother
killed herself, four months ago." Everyone stares at Ally in shock due to the new information, everyone except me. The fact that Ally betrayed my trust like that made me furious.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you." I growled.

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