Chapter 23

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Christina opened her eyes and hissed at the bright lights that surrounded her. She looked down and seen she was connected to wires and there were one too many machines around her.

"You're awake." She turned to her left and seen Pepper smiling gently at her. "Do you remember what happened? Anything at all?"

Christina nodded her head and sat up. "Yeah. Yeah I do. How long was I out?" Pepper handed the girl a cup of water which she downed instantly.

"A week."

"Wow." Pepper nodded her head and started to check the girls vitals. "I'll call everyone in." She started to to walk out the room before she turned back around.

"Oh and good job. We're all really proud of you." Pepper smiled brightly before walking out. Christina sighed before leaning back and smiling as well. She did it. She finished it all. No more running or living in fear. It's over.

Creon came running in and laughed when he seen the girl laying o not he bed. He hugged her tightly which made Christina wince. "Sorry. Sorry. Forgot your a little sore."

"It's fine. I did it." She whispered and Creon laughed and nodded. "Yeah, you did it." Tony and Peter walked in after. Peter was carrying a big bouquet of flowers that were covering his face and he ended up tripping over the leg of the chair. But thanks to his Spidey sense he caught himself before he fell.

"Nice, Parker." The blonde said and he laughed sheepishly before setting the flowers down.

"Well you defeated your first big bad. How does it feel?" Tony asked and Christina shrugged.

"Tiring. I could sleep for days." Tony nodded before stepping closer. "I, uh, owe you a proper apology, kid."

"Oh cant wait to hear this one." Tony chuckled and shook his head.

"Shut up and listen, alright. It was wrong of me to push you and force you into the hero title. I did want to help you but I was also mainly did it for me. And it was wrong, so i'm sorry. But hey on the bright side you defeated your evil twin brother who was trying to go all Darth Vader on you." Everyone laughed and Christina shook her head.

"Yeah I guess your right. He said some things to me that just didn't make sense." Christina shook her head and looked up at the three.

"Well what did he say?" Peter asked.

"Something about a He. A He who saved him and helped destroy my planet. And then before I, uh, killed him he said something about a prophecy. How only one of us could be alive and we'd have to destroy one another. I don't know. It was really weird." Creon was thinking long and hard about what was just said.

"Well when you're all better we're going to the space ship."

"The ship?"

"Christina, the ship that they came in...there were lots of things in it....and people." This made Christina sit up fully, ignoring the ache and pain in her muscles.

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