Chapter 1

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When I was young my mother would always tell me that when Zeus created man, he created them with two heads, four arms and four legs. He then realized that man was too powerful and split them in half, creating two different people with the same personality. When this happened, people were lost and could not find their "other half". God noticed this and decided to help man out by creating the Light. The Light would help soulmates find each other when they were close. Both their chests would light up to let the other person know that they were soulmates. My mother would tell me this story every night when I was young to help me fall asleep, and at the time it worked. Now I lie awake wondering if I will ever find my soulmate. How long will I have to wait before my chest lights up?

My mother was not religious, or at least not as religious as the Lightwalkers, but she always loved that story. My grandmother on the other hand was a heavy Lightwalker. She always believed the way of the Light. She would tell me that it was God's plan for two certain people to be together, or why else would he have made the Light. I would always ask if the people were happy.

"They will learn to be happy with each other."

"But what if they're not?" I ask.

She would smile and tell me that God knows what he was doing.

When I was younger I never saw a lot of people find their soulmates, but the older I got, the more frequent it would be. I would walk down to hallway when suddenly someone's chest would light up just like the person next to them, or the person their talking to, or even a stranger walking right past them. It's hard to ignore when someone suddenly lights up. Though it has yet to happen to me.

Allison Galvan would always ask if I never found my soulmate would I marry her. A part of me would love to marry my best friend, but another part of me knows that will never happen for two reasons. One, Allison is a beautiful girl and I know she will find her soulmate before she graduates college, and two, I am gay. No one knows I am gay, not even Allison. I know she will accept me, but I am scared of the little part of me that thinks she will loathe me. I always tell her that I would marry her, but to wait because I know she has a soulmate. I know her chest will light up, and I know she will be happy.

When I was young, I asked my mother what it was like when her chest lite up when she met dad. I remember her laughing a little and then she told me that not everyone is married to their soulmate.

"Your father is not my soulmate," She said. "I married him because I love him. Joshua, you don't have to wait for your soulmate to appear to get married. If you find someone you love, you should be with them. Not all soulmates are good."

She smiled and told me to go play with my toys so that she could work, and I would do just that. It never bothered me that my mother and father were not soulmates, but I always told myself that I would find mine, and that I would be happy. I would tell myself that no matter what I would be happy. I knew that my soulmate would be the most amazing person in the world and I knew I would be happy.

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