Chapter 30

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The music blasts in my ears as I slowly make my way through the crowd of people piled in the house. William, Allison and I push past groups of girls and guys holding red solo cups, and some with beer bottles. They laugh and scream at each other over the music while we pass and a tall blond girl screams in my ear as I pass. I cover my ear and push along until we finally break from the large living room to a large kitchen, where couples are scattered everywhere either kissing or talking while drinking.

A large wooden table stands by a large window that looks out into the backyard where a large pool lays and a nice wooden built patio. Piles of beer stand on the table next to bottles of vodka, gin and whiskey. William walks up to the table and places the cases of beer on a small bald spot on the table while Allison opens up another bottle of Smirnoff from under her arms. She hands me the open bottle, then opens another and hands it to William before she opens the last one tucked under her arm. I hold the bottle for a second before I finally take a large swig from the bottle. Allison and William join me a few seconds later and drink with me before we turn around and take part in Alison's favorite part of going to a new house; exploring the house.

We turn and quickly walk out of the kitchen, leaving the couple's alone in the kitchen to do what they please. Allison pushes along the wall to escape the living room and enters the hallway with family portraits on the wall. Some are painted and some are photographs. Some are of the whole family and some are just the parents, who I assume is TJ's parents. We continue to slowly walk down the hallway where we see a tall photograph of TJ standing in a suit behind his mother, who sits in a chair wearing a bright red dress. He has his hand on her shoulder, and faces left while his mother slightly faces right.

"Fucking dick," I say as we continue to walk. Suddenly Allison stops and turns towards me.

"Let's look for TJ's room!"

I smile and we continue to walk down the hallway and looking into the rooms, and trying to figure out which room TJ's. After looking through three guest bedrooms, and walking into a couple, we finally find TJ's room. The only way we found out it was his room was because of a few trophies that line his dresser. I look around and think about how many more Kobie has, but at the same Kobie is also the top wrestler at Maple Hills Academy.

I look at the trophies for a little bit before I turn and look around the rest of the room. The walls are painted a cold shade of grey with nothing on the walls. He has a small bed in the corner, next to a desk with a lamp and a stack of papers. He has a rug on the floor the same color as the walls, and a line of shoes in his closet, that holds several name brand clothes. Allison takes another swig from the bottle just as William runs and jumps on the bed.

"Hey, it's a little bouncy!" He says as she gets up on his feet and begins to jump on the bed. Allison giggles and places her bottle on the dresser. I am just about to tell William to get off the bed when Allison runs up to the bed and begins jumping on it alongside William. I watch them jump for a few seconds before I bring the bottle up to my lips and chug whatever is left and run up to the bed before jumping on it and joining them.

The three of us laugh and giggle and surprisingly manage to stay on the bed considering how small it is with three people jumping on it. After a few minutes Allison is the first one the loose her breath and gets off and bed. She does not hesitate to run over to the dresser and take a large gulp. She sets it down just as William and I stop jumping and sit on the bed catching our breaths.
"We have a surprise for you Josh!" She says as she begins to dig into her pocket, and brings out a little plastic bag. She tosses it to me, and I see that it is a small ball of weed. I look up and Allison motions towards William, who pulls out a small glass pipe and a grinder. William grabs the little bag out of my hand places a piece into the grinder before he begins to twist. After he hands it to Allison who packs the bowl and pulls out a lighter and hands it to me. I grab it with a smile and place the pipe to my mouth before I light the end and take in a big breath.

The Lightwalker in Maple Hills (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now