Chapter 13

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Kobie is the last person I could expect a text from at 9:48 at night, but I keep reading the message over and over.

'Hey Evans, its Kobie, I need to talk to you'

The message is opened, so Kobie knows I read it, meaning that I can't just ignore it and say I never received it. But if I text back, what will happen, what will it turn to. Is this a trick? Is it TJ trying to get me to confess how I feel about Kobie since we are soulmates.

'Hey Evans, its Kobie, I need to talk to you'

Talk to me about what? Is he finally ready to talk to me about the kiss? About the party? About us being soulmates?

'How'd you get my number?'

I watch as the three little bubbles bounce on the bottom of the screen as my nerves run wild.

'It's on your receipt, that's how pizza orders work. But hey, don't tell my boss, I could get fired.'

'Why are you texting me? What is this about?'

'I need to talk to you Evans, please bro, i'm so confused'

I look at the text not knowing what to say. I suppose I took a while because Kobie texts back after a few seconds.

'I'm on my way to your house, please Evans'

Panic runs through my veins. Kobie is coming back to my house, and for what? Why does he want to talk to me so badly? The thought of getting beat up by Kobie, TJ and Jimmy runs through my head and I shutter. Suddenly I feel my phone buzz again and look down to see another message from Kobie.

'Bring your weed with you too'


Kobie's blue mustang pulls up next to my house with its bright lights shining on everything in its path. As I watch it park, my phone buzzes to what I assume is Kobie telling me that he is at my house. I ignore it and look at the car as hard as I can to see if there is more than one person in the car, but the more I look, the more I realize that it is just Kobie by himself. I take in a deep breath and let it out as I move my books and grab my little Altoids box and stuff it in my pocket. I walk over to my desk and grab the jacket that hangs on the chair. I slip it on and slowly open the door, scared to wake up my mother. I slip through and quietly close it, then walk down the stairs towards the front door and slip out.

The cold air bites at my skin, causing me to zip up my jacket and pull the hoodie over my head to keep my ears warm. I see Kobie's car stands no less that fifteen feet away from me, and the closer I get, the more scared I become. Ten feet, TJ and Jimmy are probably in a different car waiting to ambush me. Five feet, Kobie is going to rat me out to the whole school. Two feet, I can see Kobie sitting in the front seat on his phone, texting who I assume are girls that he wants to take advantage of.

He looks up and beckons me to come in. I open the door and the smell of Polo cologne fills nose and I climb into the warm car. He drives a blue mustang, with black pleather seats. I sit down and close the door, and he suddenly starts driving the car.

"Where are you going?" I ask concerned.

He just turns towards me and continues driving. He holds the wheel with his left hand, while is right lies on his lap, his fingers fiddling in nervousness. We turn onto a neighboring street and he starts to speed down before turning again.

"Kobie, seriously where are you going?" I say panicked.

"Calm down Evans, I'm not going to kidnap you."

The Lightwalker in Maple Hills (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now