Chapter 23

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"I knew you were a fucking faggot"

Kobie suddenly pulls away before shoving me back towards the bottom of the stairwell. I turn to see Julian standing a few feet away with his phone pointed towards us. I assume he is recording us because he keeps moving the camera towards Kobie, then to me, then back to Kobie.

Kobie stands in shock for a second before he runs towards Julian, who has already reached the door and runs out.

"Fuck!" Kobie yells as the door closes. He looks down and runs his hands through his hair before he falls back towards the wall. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He yells a little louder.

I grab my bag off the floor, along with Kobie's, and slowly walk out from under the stairs towards him.

"Kobie I-" I begin.

"No Joshua! Just get the fuck away from me!" He says as he snatched the bag from out of my hand and drops it next to him.

"Kobie please. Juli-" I begin again before Kobie springs up and pushes me against the opposite wall.

"What Joshua? What? Huh? Julian just caught us and you're trying to push this off? Yes you're out to your friends but I'm not out to mine! None of them know Joshua. None! TJ or Jimmy, or Kayla, or Tegan, or any of the other wrestlers. None of them know and now Julian just caught us!"

He lets go of me and walks towards the other side of the stairwell. He runs his hands through his hair again before he sits on the ground and buries his face in his hands, and for a second I think he is about to cry. I take a step closer to him but he grabs his bag and throws it at me, where it hits my chest and falls to the floor. Kobie never carried many books so the only thing in his bag was a few notebooks and a copy of Frankenstein from English.

"I'm not fucking kidding Joshua. I will fucking beat your ass if you take another step closer."

He looks at me for a few seconds before he jumps up causing me to take a few steps back and run into the wall. A part of me knows that Kobie would never hit me again, but another part of me feels like that's a lie. I reach down and grab my bag before I walk up the stairs and stop in the middle just before the stairs turn, and I look down at Kobie who stands looking at me.

"Joshua I swear to God! Get the fuck out of here!" He yells as he charges up the stairs. I run up the rest and out the door where a few students run into their classes. The bell must have rang while Kobie and I were under the stairs so I begin to jog down the hallway until I reach my classroom. I open the door and awkwardly walk in, causing a few students to look up from their papers and watch me as I walk through the rows and sit down. Mrs. Robbins walks towards me with an annoyed look as she hands me a little packet of what we need to do in class. I grab it and she smiles a little.

"Don't be late next time Mr. Evans." With this she turns around and sits back down at her desk and continues looking through packets from the previous classes through a small pair or blue reading glasses what is attached to a thin strand of blue yarn that dips down to her chin.

I look back down at the paper before I pull out my text book and begin to fill it out. I read the pages and write down the information only to realize that I am thinking about Kobie, about the kiss, the moment, and about Julian messing it all up. My train of thought suddenly shifts to what Julian could possibly do with the video he has, and the horrible thought of Kobie being jumped flashes before my eyes over and over again until the bell finally rings and I frantically make my way towards the bathroom where I lock myself in a stall and wait for the bathroom to empty out.

As the last person walks out of the door, I open the stall, and slowly make my way towards the sink and look at myself in the mirror for a few seconds before my eyes begin to water and I cry.


The rest of the day goes by in a blur until I realize that I am waiting outside of Maple Hills High School with the sound of music blasting in my ear. I hear a loud honk which jolts me back to reality where I see my mother waiting in the car beckoning me to come in the car. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder and quickly jog towards the car.

"You okay Honey?" She asks as I buckle my seat belt.

I turn towards her and flash a smile. "Yeah, everything is fine. I just didn't sleep too well last night, that's all."

She nods her head a few times before she turns away and the car pulls forward. I look out the window at the moving scenery that quickly zooms by. I see large brick buildings appear and disappear before the next set follows. Then houses, then streets, then trees until the scenery slows down and my mother pulls into our driveway. She opens the garage and I quickly get out of the car and quickly walk inside. Once inside I jog through the house and up the stairs where I throw my back in my chair and fall onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

I hear my mother down stairs putting her stuff away before I hear the clanking of her high heels make their way to her bedroom. After a few minutes I hear her high heels slowly clank their way upstairs and towards my room where my mother opens the door in one of the dresses she designed for the new Spring Edition. She wears a slim fitted green dress and a pair of black high heels.

"Hey, Josh." she says as she enters. "I am going out tonight with Jeffrey again, Allison and William can come over and I left some money for pizza."

"Yeah, thanks." I say looking at the ceiling for a second before I realized what she said.

"Wait, who is Erick?"

She looks at me for a second before she giggles. "Erick is the man that took me home that one night, and the man who I went on a date with a week ago. He works at Agadora."

"Oh," I say before I continue to look at the ceiling. I see my mother smile out of the corner of my eye before she closes the door and I hear her walk down the stairs and walk out the door. Her car starts and drives off and I am left alone in my bedroom. Left alone in this house with nothing but my shattering thoughts and depressed emotions.

I feel my phone vibrate and frantically pull it out only to see a notification from my email. I sigh and open the messages between Kobie and I and look at it for a few seconds before I text him.

'Kobie, are you okay? Please talk to me!'

I watch as it sends and the little "delivered" pops up under it. I watch for a few seconds hoping that Kobie will read it and text me back saying that he is okay and everything is okay. But it never happens, and I never does. I drop my phone on my bed and look at the ceiling before I get up and walk over to my bookshelf, and grab the little Altoids box. I pull out my pipe and a small bag of what is left of my weed and carefully poor it into my pop before I light it and take a deep breath. I hold it for a few seconds before I let out a large cloud of smoke and for the second time that day, I begin to cry. 

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