Chapter 22

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The sound of students shouting and yelling surrounds me as I sit at a table in the cafeteria playing with my food with my plastic fork. Allison and William walk up to the table and place their plates down and sit next to each other. William opens his milk as Allison begins to eat her fries.

"So, is there anyone?" Allison says as she stuffs a few fries into her mouth.

I smile as I feel my face becomes hot with blush. "Y-yeah. There is a guy, but I don't know if I can tell you."

Allison raises an eyebrow. "Why?" She says. She then leans over the table to get closer to me and says in a joking tone. "Is it one of the Baseball players? Or a swimmer? Oh my god, is he a wrestler?"

The word "wrestler" echoes in my head and for a second I fear that Allison and William already know. I then smile and shake my head.

"I can't tell you guys. But once he says it's okay, I promise, you two will be the first ones to hear about it."

Allison turns towards William, and the both of them turn towards me.


Allison shrugs her shoulders before she continues eating her fries and William begins to eat his burger. I too begin to eat my mildly seasoned burger when I see Kobie out of the corner of my eye. He walks into the cafeteria behind TJ and Jimmy, and a few other wrestlers and some girls. TJ passes a kid and smacks the tray out of his hands, causing it to fall all over the boy, and for the group to laugh as they push themselves to the front of the line to get something to eat.

"That stupid son of a bitch!" I think to myself as I shove a fry into my mouth. I continue to watch as the group moves towards a large table in the back, and they all sit around it. They begin to talk and shout and a few of them jokingly throws food at each other.

I turn back to Allison and William who are talking quietly to each other. They notice that I turned towards them and quickly look back down at their trays and continue to eat.

"Anyways," I say ignoring what they might have been talking about, "what have you two been up to? Are you guys..."

Allison blushes and covers her face and Williams grins. "Yeah Josh," he says nodding, "We are a thing. But that's not going to change anything, right?"

I smile before I shake my head. William smiles and nods his head and turns towards Allison who is still trying to cover her face with her hand to hide the blush. I continue to eat my fries and William and Allison continue to eat as well. I take another handful of fries before turning around at the group and come eye-to-eye with Kobie, who stares at my through two of his friends who shove each other back and forth. He smiles a little and winks, causing me to blush and turn around to hide my face.

The three of us continue to eat in silence as the thought of Kobie and I replays in my mind. The feeling of his lips on mine, and his hands on my waist. I feel his hot breathes on my cheek, and his chest pressed warmly against my stomach. His lips kiss my neck and his hands run up my back.

I blink and I am back in the cafeteria, sitting in front of Allison and William. Kobie sits behind me with his group and everything is good. Everything is right.


I walk down the crowded hallway, headed towards History when I feel my phone vibrate, causing me to pull it out and read the text I received.

'Hey, meet me under the stairwell.'

I smile as I re-read Kobie's text, and I turn to the left, and open the door in front of the staircase before I make my way down and jog down the hallway before I turn and walk towards another stairway door. I stop and look around, making sure no one looks at me before I open the door and slip in. I look at the stairwell for a second before I hear laughter and chattering coming down the stairs. I quickly run and duck under the stairwell, dodging the group of girls who seem to be oblivious of my presence. I watch as they walk out the door, and the second the door closes I feel two hands wrap around my mouth and pull me back. I let out a little scream before I hear laughter. A laughter I know too well.

I turn around to see Kobie hunched over laughing before he looks up at me and turns around, covering his mouth to muffle his laughs.

"I'm sorry," he says between laughs. "It was so worth it."

I smack him in the shoulder, causing him to turn away mocking me, and still laughing.

"Kobie, we need to make this fast. I have class in a few minutes." I say as I cross my arms.

He stands up straight and walks up towards me and places his hands on my cheeks before looking down and kisses me. I kiss him back and he pulls away and smiles.

"Happy?" he asks before he leans in and kisses me again, this time placing his hand on my hips and pulling me in closer towards him. I place my hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat rise until it feels like it is going to pop out of his chest.

He pulls back and starts kissing my neck, causing me to let out a little moan as my hands run up his chest and I hold his neck, pulling him closer to me. He continues to kiss my neck, slowly moving up and down, and licking little circles with his tongue. In that moment nothing exists except Kobie and I.

Everything around slowly starts to crumble away until Kobie and I stand in a room with nothing but darkness. Nothing came be seen except for the little light that shines from out between us and at the moment I know we are soulmates. And at that moment nothing could possibly happen to separate us.

Until the stairwell door opens. 

The Lightwalker in Maple Hills (Boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang