Chapter 33

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I sit at the cafeteria bench with my head on the cold plastic table. Allison and William walk over and I hear a loud clunk as they set their trays on the table. I let out a breath and continue to lie on the table.

"Hey, er, Joshua. Are you okay?" Allison says.

"Yeah, you seem really depressed. You didn't even respond to my text this morning checking up on you." William says shortly after.

"What are you two doing after school?" I ask as I slowly lift my head off the table to face them. Allison chews on a fry and William opens the small carton of milk.

"Nothing that I am aware of," he says as he turns towards Allison who shakes her head.

"Why? Did you want to do something?"

"Yeah, I just need to talk." I say.

"Talk?" Allison asks as she pinches her fingers to her lips as if she were smoking.

"Yes Allison, talk."

She smiles and continues to eat her fries, and William starts eating his bland burger when I look up and see Kobie walk into the cafeteria. I can't see his face, but not everyone wears a grey wrestling jacket with the name 'Hartman' stitched on the back. His hood is pulled over his face as he walks through the cafeteria and stands in line to get food. I watch as he gets his little tray and walks out of the cafeteria, and like that he was gone.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I need to go to the restroom," I say as I get up and slowly jog towards the door, trying not to be seen by anyone else. I run out of the cafeteria and out in the hallway where I see Kobie standing in the hallway in front of Audrey McRoberts. I slowly walk up towards them.

"Please Kobie, I love you. I just got drunk that night."

"Yeah that's why you were hanging off of Julian, right. You were so fucking drunk that you couldn't stand up by yourself and needed Julian to help you." Kobie says.

"Please Kobie! You know we are a good couple. We are the most popul-"

"I don't fucking care if you were popular or not. You left me in that bed, and you went to find someone else."

"Oh really, well what about Evans?"

"What about Evans?" Kobie says a bit concerned.

Audrey sighs. "Really Kobie. Do you not remember what happened that night. That little faggot tried to rape you."

"What do you mean rape me?"

"Yeah, he was undoing your shirt and pulled off your pants. I saw the whole thing."

Kobie takes a step towards Audrey and leans in close to her face, so close that I think he is about to kiss her.

"Yeah, you had such a great view because the one doing that was you."

Audrey scoffs and shoves Kobie, causing his tray of food to fall on the floor with a loud bang. He looks down at it then turns to Audrey who stands with her hand over her mouth. She looks up at him then suddenly slaps him.

"You're fucking disgusting Kobie. You're a goddamn waste. I just hope next time TJ can beat the faggot out of you and you're little boy toy," she says looking at him for a few second.

"Yeah, I hope he does." Kobie says.

Audrey turns around and quickly walks down the hallway before she turns and is out of sight. Kobie sighs and looks down at the tray upside down on the floor and his small bologna sandwich scattered on the floor a few inches away. At least the one thing that survived the fall was his little carton of milk. He crouches down and picks up the pieces of bread and meat and throws them away in a trash can just a few feet away. He picks up the tray and milk and stands up, wiping his eyes with his sleeve before he stops dead in his tracks and stares at me.

The Lightwalker in Maple Hills (Boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora