Chapter 15

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My mother stands in the kitchen fixing herself a cup of coffee when I walk through the door. I set my bag on a white fabricated chair that stands next to a matching couch before I walk into the kitchen. She turns around and smiles as she takes a slow sip from her cup. I look and notice that she looks happier than she usually does, and that she is wearing just a bit more makeup. That is when I look at her attire and see that she is dressed to go out. She wears a white dress with yellow and red flower prints all over it.

"Do you have another company dinner?" I ask.

She smiles and sets her cup down of the counter before walking up to me and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"No, Joshua. Do you remember that man who helped me into the house the other night?"

I think for a second before that night comes flooding back. My mother coming home drunk. The tall man helping her in. The way they seemed to giggle at each other.

"Yes," I say giving her a suspicious look.

She takes a deep breath before she regains her smile and continues. "Joshua, you know I would do anything for you to be happy. You know that right?" I nod. "Well I feel that I should be happy as well, and for that to happen, I have decided to go on a date with that man you saw the other day. He was a nice and friendly man who took care of me at the dinner and I personally feel that I need to move on from your father. Is that okay?"

I stand there frozen. My mother has decided to go on a date with a man to be happy. I know I should be happy but for some reason I feel betrayed. I never cared about my father and I know that my mother needs to move on, but all I can feel is betrayal.

"Um.. yeah, go ahead. Have fun." I say repressing my feelings.
She smiles and beams with happiness and for a second I forget that she is my mother and more of a friend.

"Well he is going to be here any minute to pick me up. We won't be out too late because I have a meeting with one of my editors at eight." She says beaming with joy. "You can order a pizza or something, just don't make a mess."

"Ca-" I start.

"Yes, Allison and William can come over, but the same rule applies to them; no mess."

At that moment I hear the doorbell ring and my mother nearly jumps in joy. I hear her shriek and she runs towards the door. When she opens it the man from the other night stands on the other side. He is tall with black hair and fair skin. He has some scruff on his face at what looks like an attempt to grow a beard and is dressed in a while dress shirt and a sports coat. My mother invites him in and walks him over towards me.

"Joshua, this is Erick," She says.

He sticks out his hand and I shake it.

"Nice to officially meet you Joshua, the other night was a bit crazy."

I smile and look over at my mother who is wearing a large grin on her face, and is clearly excited. I think about the last time I ever saw my mother this excited, or even on a date. She went on a few after my father but nothing ever became official. I look over at Erick who is wearing a similar grin.

"It was, wasn't it." I say.

I suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out to find a message from Kobie.

'Hey, what are you doing?'

I start to text back when I hear my mother. "Is that Allison and William?"

"Oh yeah," I say looking up, "I'll let them know you said they could come over."

She smiles even wider and I notice that she is wrapped around his arm. The feeling of betrayal suddenly enlarged but I try to push it away. My mother deserves to be happy. She hasn't been this happy in a while and I am not going to ruin it for her.

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