Chapter 17

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William and I sit on the white couch in front of the glass wall looking out towards the lite city of Oak Valley. and watch as life carries on outside the room. Cars are various sizes and colors line the streets and people line the sidewalks.

I let out a breath and turn to face William, who sits just a couple of feet away from me wearing the same two shades tuxedo as I do, except his has a little pin on the color, something I personally believe is something his family does. After a moment, he turns towards me and smile.

"What are you thinking about?" He ask.

The question caught me by surprise. I expected William to ask if I was excited to go out, or if I likes the tux, but this question through me off. The moment he asked, I started thinking about what I was thinking about, but the moment the question entered my mind, everything went blank.

"I.." I start as I turn towards Oak Valley. "I am just thinking about the trip is all."

From the corner of my eye I see him smile before the door behind us opens and Allison steps out. She wears the dress William bought her, and it looks a lot better on her than it did on the hanger. It is a tight purple dress the exposes her hourglass figure, but right after it passes the knees, it starts to relax and spread out until it hits the floor. It is sleeveless, and has a thin strap that wraps around her neck, exposing her back. Her long black hair lays on one side of the dress and she wears bright red lipstick.

"So, what do you think?" She asks.

I smile and turn to William who looks like he is almost in love with her. He has a large grin on his face and is constantly looking her up and down, causing her to blush and cover her mouth with her hand.

"You look stunning," I say as I shove my hands in my pocket with nervousness. William continues to look at her in awe before she playfully yells at him to stop.

"Our reservation is in an hour, and from here, we should get there with time to kill," William says as he walks towards the door.

Allison looks at me with a large smile and walks over to me in excitement.

"Oh my God Joshua, I am so excited. Where do you think he is going to take us?"

"I don't know, but knowing his it is somewhere very expensive." I say as I wink at her.

Just as William is about to open the door Allison calls him over as she examines her dress.

"So I understand everything is very expensive, but why did you choose the color purple?"

William smiles, almost happy that Allison asked the question. "Because, purple is the color of royalty."


Just as William said, we got to the restaurant with time to kill, and just as I thought, it was an expensive one. He made a reservation at Giardino dell'Eden, a large brick building with red roof tiles with plants hanging out of the fake windows surrounding the building. The building itself looked like it was pulled straight out of the streets of Italy.

We pass the long line of people waiting to get inside, dressed in very similar clothes as the three of us, straight to the front where a woman in a simple black dress asked us for our reservation.

"For William," William said, and the woman clicked her computer a few times before looking up and smiles. "Alrighty, Stephanie over here will show you to your table and get you settled."

As she said that, a young woman, no older than twenty-two walked from behind her, wearing a similar black dress and walked us through very large building. White Greek like pillars lined the restaurant, with vines and small plants hanging down from them. Tables sat in a uniform manner with bright white table clothes and a few candles on them, and in the middle of the restaurant sat a large water fixture with bushes and trees surrounding it. The sound of rushing water could be heard throughout the restaurant, along with the pleasing smell of plants, and food. We mazed through the tables until we cam across the private booth section and we were allowed to sit. A few minutes later she came with tall glasses of water and the menus.

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