Chapter 18

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I sit on the couch waiting for the text from Kobie telling me that he is there to pick me up. My leg bounces with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, only to be soothed by my shaking hand resting upon my knee.

I few seconds of awkward silence passes before my phone vibrates and I jump off the seat and run towards the window next to the door. Sure enough Kobie's blue mustang is parking in the driveway, its engine still on and purring while Kobie sits in the driver's seat on his phone.

I take a deep breathe before I open the door and walk outside. Kobie looks up from the phone and gives me a little smile before he reaches over and opens the door for me. The smell of cologne escapes through the door just as I climb in.

"Why did you want to hang out?" I ask quietly.

"What we can't hang out?" Kobie says as he begins to back out of the driveway.

"Yeah, but the whole 'DL' thing," I say air quoting.

Kobie turns the wheel and begins to drive down the street. We reach a stop sign and he turns towards me.

"I meant in school. I don't want anyone to catch us. I don't think im ready, and honestly Evan's I still don't really know what I am."

A few minutes later he pulls into the parking lot of the mall and turns towards me and smirks. I look at him before I sigh and roll my eyes. I open the door and we walk towards the entrance.

We walk down the crowded walkways, passing kiosks of people desperately trying to sell products. After looking around for a bit, Kobie drags me into a name brand store and starts looking at the shirts and jeans. He sifts through the shirts before he pulls out a blue short sleeved button up shirt with little white circles all over it. He presses it against his chest before I walks over the dressing room and walks in.

I walk over to a bench and sit down, looking around and noticing how empty the store is. Granted, it is seven in the afternoon on a Sunday. I watch as a sales representative cashes out a small thin woman with long black hair who buys a slim yellow dress. He hands he the receipt and-

"What do you think?" Kobie asks, startling me. I turn and look at him. The shirt is a little tight around his arms, which doesn't look bad, and his chest presses against the fabric. The top button is undone, showing off the neck. He turns around the faces the mirror, moving his arms and checking himself out, and I can't help but do the same. He stands tall in the blue shirt, with a pair of khaki shorts and his signature black converse. I notice a brown anklet made of string with a small golden anchor hanging from it. His turns and looks at me causing me to smile and give him a thumbs up. He returns the smile, and begins to unbutton the shirt before slipping it off, causing me to blush at the sight of his body. He sees this and winks at me as he turns around and grabs his shirt out of the changing room. He slips it on and we walk to the counter, where he buys it and hurries out of the store.

The moment we leave the store he takes off his shirt, and slips on the blue one, buttoning it as we walk through the mall.

"Hey you hungry?" He asks as we walk closer to the food court.

"Just a litt-" I say before he cuts me off.

"Good 'cause I'm starving!"


"Kobie seriously, where are we going?" I ask.

Kobie just smirks as he looks forward, driving through the city. The sun had set, leaving the city in darkness, except for the street lights and passing cars.

"It's a secret, but you'll like it! I promise!"

I shake my head and look out the window, and towards the city before me. Kobie picks up speed and I notice that we are getting onto the highway, and the city slowly turns into hills and trees.

The Lightwalker in Maple Hills (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now