Chapter 34

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I walk into school determined to get an answer out of Kobie whether he likes it or not. I need to know if he likes me or if he's just using me for his sick sexual awakening, just to figure out that he is straight the whole time. I charge down the hallways, and look everywhere to find him, but for some reason I can't find him. After what feels like an hour searching I finally give up and start to head to Gym class. My mother dropped me off early this morning so that I could find Kobie and confront him, but decided to tell her that I needed to finish a project.

The bell rings just as I walk in and instead of everyone running to the locker to get dressed, everyone is in a line with Coach Cooper standing in the front with Mrs. Jackelson and Mr. Anderson.

"Son-of-a-bitch," I think as I know they are about to have a conversation with us about some bullshit topic. At least we don't have to run around the track or have times exercises.

I reach the front where Coach Cooper has me sign my name on the roster, and I ask what is going on.

"We are going to talk to the students about safety at house parties Mr. Evans." Says Mrs. Jackelson and she looks over my face. "A conversation you should stay here for."

I finish signing in and walk up the bleachers and take a seat next to a tall boy with brown curly hair. A few rows down I see Julain sitting down next to a few students before he turns around and looks at me with a look that asks if I snitched about the party. I shrug my shoulders and he turns around.

The last students signs into the roster and Mrs. Jackelson starts talking.

"I am aware that you students throw parties on weekends and have birthday bashes." A few whoops and hollers are heard before Mrs Jackelson continues. "I am also aware that there is drinking. I can't do anything about that because that is simply out of my jurisdiction. But what I can do is ensure the safety of my students.

"A party was thrown this weekend, I am sure that many of you know who I am talking about, and there seems to have been a clash between a few students. I am here to make sure that you do not repeat this. The last thing I need is to hear that a student is in the hospital because of some stupid decision at a party.

"Anyways, I am also aware that TJ Quintero has a broken nose and gashes on his face from none other than a beer bottle. How I know this you may ask, there was a video posted on social media, and it was brought to my attention by several worried parents, including TJ's.

"Now I know it wasn't just TJ," she says as she looks at Julian, then up at me and the second she does a get chills running down my spine. "And I will personally be talking to the students that I saw in the video, and the individual who posted the video on social media."

With this Mr. Anderson steps forwards and looks around the classroom with his large grin. "Look, guys, I know parties are fun. Trust me, I was at several when I was in High School, but smashing a bottle on someone else's face? Seriously guys? You should know better. What if the bottle gave him a concussion, or caused serious brain damage? What if that shards when into his eye?"

"I wish it did," I think to myself.

"What I am trying to say is that you guys should know better. You should be safe at parties. We can't control whether you drink or not, but I highly advise you not to, but parties should be fun. There shouldn't be any fighting, or hurting people in anyway. This is highschool, you should be enjoying every second before you have to go to college."

Mr. Anderson backs up and looks at Mrs. Jackelson who turns over to Coach Cooper and whispers something in his ear.

"Julian and Joshua, Mrs Jackelson would like to speak with you in her office." The second he finishes everyone at the bleachers looks over at us, and watches as we slowly walk down the bleachers and out of the gym.

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