Chapter 24

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I wake up to the beeping of the clock just as my mother knocks on my door. She opens it and sticks her head in, turning towards me and making sure that I am awake. She smiles the second we make eye contact, then backs up and walks out of the room and down the hallway. I turn on my back to face the ceiling before I focus my attention on my fan that spins at a steady pace as the sound of my mother getting coffee echoes from downstairs. I stare at the ceiling for a few more seconds before I slowly roll out of bed and walk towards my dresser.

I grab a pair of jeans, and a black jacket and get dressed. I walk over to my mirror only to see that my hair is messy and my eyes are puffy from crying. I pull the hoodie over my head and grab my bag before I walk out the door.

My mother stands at the bottom of the stairs in a white and purple dress that Agadora designed a few days ago, and is testing the look with my mother, who does not complain. She takes a sip of her coffee before she smiles at me.

"Are you okay sweetie?" She asks.

I nod my head. "I just didn't sleep that well last night, that's all."

She flashes me a weak smile before she kisses my forehead and we walk out of the house.


I walk down the hallways with the feeling of a thousand eyes on my back, but realize that no one is looking at me. No one is calling me names or even teasing me, which scared me more than them doing so. Julian could release the video and everyone could pick on me now, but instead he is holding it, or at least sending it to people I haven't seen yet.

I walk into Gym class expecting Coach Cooper to be telling us what exercise we will be doing today, but instead I find a small old woman who in a blue dress. She hands me a paper to sign before telling me to sit on the bleachers and to be quiet, but lets me go to the library when I ask.

I sit in the library listening to music until the bell rings and I am forced to head to English. I rush through the hallways, avoiding any looks from students, and turn the corner to see William and Allison standing in the hallways holding each other and kissing.

"Why is it so normal for them? Why aren't they shamed?" I think to myself before I force myself to turn around and walk the other way. I take the long route to class and by the time I walk in the bell had already rang. I walk over to my desk and see that Kobie's desk is empty, but has a small piece of paper on it that is neatly folded, then I notice that my desk has the same thing. I stand for a second looking at the note before I slowly sit down and pick it up. I unfold it and read the words "Fucking Faggot" written in dark red marker. I read it over and over just as I hear someone shuffle past me and sit in the desk behind me.

I turn to see Kobie sitting slumped with his grey wrestling hoodie pulled over his head. Suddenly the piece of paper pops up in my mind and I reach to grab it, but I am too late.

"The fuck is this..." Kobie quietly says as he unfolds it. He reads it a second then crumbles it in his has before he quickly stands up and looks around the room.


Everyone suddenly turns towards him with a confused look on their face. Kobie stands for a few more seconds looking around the room before Mr. Johnson runs into the room. It is never like Mr. Johnson to be late, but today I am glad he was.

"What seems to be the problem this time Mr. Hartman?" Mr. Johnson asks Kobie as he sets down his briefcase on the desk.

It is quiet for a few seconds as the two look at each other, then Kobie looks around the room, then back at Mr. Johnson as he fixes his hoodie.

"Nothing Mr. Johnson, I'm sorry."

He sits back down and pulls the hood back over his head. I turn around to look at him.

"You okay?" I ask quietly.

"Turn around and leave me alone Evans." He says as he turns away and looks at Mr. Johnson.

"Why won't you answer my texts?" I ask.

Kobie takes a deep breath before he finally looks at me.

"I threatened Julian again. I threatened to fucking kill him if he released the video, so he deleted it. I told him that I didn't know what I was doing." Kobie said as he leaned in closer. "And then I deleted your number and blocked it. So get a fucking hint and leave me alone." He gives me a fake smile before he leans back in his seat and looks at Mr. Johnson.


I quickly walk to the bathroom with my face down hiding the tears on my face. I shove the door in and run into the nearest stall and lock it, setting my bag in front of me.

'Why was Kobie being so fucking mean to me? What did I do to deserve all of this?"

I continue to cry as students walk in and out of the bathrooms, waiting until a few minutes after the bell rang to get out and walk to Pre Cal. The rest of the day goes by in a blur, only ending when I walk outside and see my mother parked in front.

I open the door and climb inside and my mother looks away from her phone and smiles at me.

"So, I have a little surprise for you," she says.

I turn and look at her, trying to look normal and force a smile.

"Your grandmother came into town and will be staying with us for a few days!" 

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