It started with his game!

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Levi's pov:

I was ecstatic when I finally got my order from Akuzon. It's a new game called Inside a Disney Universe. It's a series of bedtime stories for children in the human world but since a lot of people have been swooning over it I decided to order it.

It is said that the game itself will have interesting twists.
I heard Mammon knocking on the door.
"Oi Levi! I'm here! What was that you wanted that you had to call us all in your room. I have to go shop for something." Mammon sounded irritated.

"Yeah. I got to catch on my beauty sleep." Asmodeus whined as I pulled them in.
MC was also with them that's better.
"I heard something interesting will be happening here." He/she (what the reader prefer) said.

"Yes. Now get in before Lucifer finds out." I whispered in the lowest voice I can mutter.
"Before I find out what?" A tall figure comes in. Lucifer!

"Uh... There's this new game I ordered and we were just talking about playing it tonight." I answered while he patted my head.

"Good, I'm not that busy with work. I decided to come here since they invited me." He pointed to MC, Belphie, Asmo, Mammon, Satan and Beel.

"Well come in. I have enough controllers for everyone. Before you ask Beel, I have enough food for ya. Satan, I have manga you can read for a change." I told them.

"Good." They all said as we got in. Lucifer picked up the game case.
"This look... promising. Kind of different from the games you usually play." Lucifer noticed as he put the game down.

"These are the children stories from the human world that I heard of." Satan noticed it too.
"It's the new game that's super in right now. I can't get behind." I reasoned out.

"Whatever you say, let's just get to playing." Lucifer said as he got one controller in hand.
"What got you to play with us Lucifer? You never got this involved when it comes to Levi's interests." MC said as he/she sits beside him.

"Well... I'm looking for something else to do. And... I want to at least try to understand Levi and his interests. Maybe this'll help us bond more." He answered while getting used to the controllers.

"Ah ha! There you guys are. I thought it's a weird thing not to see Lucifer in the music room." A cheerful voice came from the doors. It's Lord Diavolo.

"I decided to come play with them today." Lucifer said as he stood up to greet Diavolo.
"There's no need for that. Um... Can I play with you guys?" He asked as I was really surprised. I didn't get to clean my room.

"Sorry for the mess." I said as I tried to pick up what was scattered.
"Don't mind us. It's such a beautiful thing... To see you guys bond over one thing." He said as he sat down with them.

"Come on Leviathan teach me how to operate controls." He said as I sat down with popcorn.
"Here..." I said as I tell him how to manage controls one by one.
"I think I understand now. So... How does this new game of yours work?" He asked.

"Well... Let's see. First we enter our names." I said as I set the names to Idiotmon (For Mammon) 😂😂😂
"Oi why's my name like that?" He asked which he tried to change it.
"No way you're gonna change it to something else. That's alright." I said as it stopped him from whining.

LordDi for Lord Diavolo as his request, Lucifer for Lucifer which is typical. AsmoBeauty for Asmodeus, his words. BeelBinge for Beelzebub, (Whichever you prefer) for MC, CoolLevi for me, Satan for Satan. Belphie For Belphegor.

"Alright we are all set. Anyone except for Mammon wanna change their names?" I asked.
"Nope. We're all ready to go." They all said as I reach for my controller to press start.

And when I did, the monitor blacked out.
"Hey you think it's broken?" Satan asks as he checks it.
"No way! I've trusted Akuzon for my packages for years. It cannot fail me now." I said as I checked the wirings. It's all fine.

And then it turned back on.
"See? Just a loose wiring." I said as I sat back down. When I did there was this blinding light. We all shielded ourselves from the light and upon opening our eyes we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Where are we?" Lucifer asked as he looked around. There was nothing but white empty space everywhere.
"How do we get back home?" Asmo asked. "I need to rest!"

"There's gotta be a way out." I said. Like in a game this one came with instructions. Just not the normal ones.
A pretty light violet scroll came with instructions that floated on top of us.

"This is how we get home guys." I declared as they huddled beside me.
" A bit of space please." I said which made them move.

"Welcome to Inside A Disney Universe. See this is an Enchanted game which you win when you leaf through the universe of the Disney Princesses which depends on the number of players." I read.

"The objective is for the main characters to defeat the evil villain." I read.
"Which is us right?" I asked. Lucifer facepalmed.

"So... Each of us have to do this. Separately." I said as I look around for some sort of a start button.
"It seems to me that youre the first player Lucifer." I said as I point the button on top of his head.

"I hope the princess that I will portray will best suit me." He said as he reached the button.
"Wait. Maybe we should find another way." MC said as he/she shrugged.

"No. This is the rules of the game. Just... Do your best." I said as Lucifer reached the start button to press it.

In an instant there was a light that zapped through our eyes.
When we opened them we were in an imperial palace!

"So... How do we know which story we are in?" I ask as I looked at myself. I'm... Short. I mean short short. I'm a dwarf... Wait... It's Snow White! But kinda different.
There was this announcement that said the Emperor had died.

"How does this story go?" Asmo asked.
"Well... Snow White is Snow White because of her mother, the Queen's wish. One winter day when she was sewing something by the black window pane she pricked her finger and three drops of blood fell. While she tended to it, she wished for a child with blood red lips, skin as fair as the snow and hair as black as the window pane.

Luckily a winter spirit heard her and granted her wish. But unfortunately... When the princess was born and grew in a splendid princess, the queen fell ill and died." Satan said.

"That's too harsh. Would Disney really recreate that version?" Asmodeus asked.
"Nope. Never said that was the Disney. I know a harsher version." He said.
"Don't wanna hear it. This snow girl sounds like a very beautiful girl. Should've been me." He said.

"Enough chitchat... How do we find Lucifer? He's the main." I told them.
"Well... I'm guessing that he's in that palace." Beel pointed the palace.
"Wait... Where's Lord Diavolo?" I asked as I looked around.

"I'm over here." He said and pointed his suit. It was a beautiful kimono. He's a prince.
"Well... I'm a very distant relative of his father." He said.

"Should we break in?" Satan asked.
"No we can't. We are mere dwarves. And besides... Where are we in the story exactly?" Asmo asked.

We heard rustling of leaves behind us. We were deep in the forest. We were just dwarves so... Anything can harm us.


Inside a Disney Universe (Obey me! Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora