Sleeping Beauty?

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They were all in front of a big palace gate. The seven brothers and MC were shocked that they were only some sort of astral projection. Like they weren't even there.

"So... This is Princess Aurora's story." MC said.
"Wait a minute. You're someone who's from the human world right? How come we are more knowledgeable than you?" Mammon asked.
"That's the first brainy thing I heard from you Mammon." Levi laughed.

"Well... Maybe because I'm not much of a fan. I heard stories. But they weren't that child friendly." MC answered.
"So you know the gory stuff?" Mammon asked.
"Yeah. Like how sleeping Beauty was once sun, moon and Talia. The story wasn't that pretty." MC shuddered.

"Don't tell us." Diavolo also shuddered.
"By this time Princess Aurora must be already born." Asmodeus excitedly said.
"And... We're fading completely." MC panicked a bit.

"Asmodeus... Take care would you? We will all be playing our roles while you're gonna come in the story after a few more years. You can do this." MC told him.

Asmodeus' pov:

I nodded at her. Of course I went in easily. As I looked around the whole kingdom was rejoicing for a birth of not a princess but a prince! That's me. I went in and saw many royals celebrating.

They invited everyone. Well almost. I'm waiting for the faes (male fairies) that will come to bless the little prince. When I looked at the parents I was shocked to see a female version of Lucifer and the king was Lord Diavolo.

I was glad I was born to really good looking parents. And then the royals from the neighboring kingdom came. A little princess that looked a lot like MC came to my cradle. Yeah. This is good.

No one could see me so I peeked at the baby version of me. I was shocked. I didn't look half as good as my adult self. What the?
I sighed. What else could go wrong? I slumped down and drank a bit of alcoholic drinks.

And then the announcer announced that the 3 good faes came.
Florence, Paris and Marshall came to bless the young prince.

Florence was Lucifer, Paris was Levi and Marshall was Satan. I looked as they bowed to the king and queen.
"Your majesties... We came to bless the young prince." Lucifer said and looked sweetly at my baby version. He looked creepy.

"Of course... Go ahead." Lord Diavolo told him and he went ahead to bestow the gift.
"Young prince my gift is the gift of sweet beauty." He waved his wand. "No one in the seven seas would be able to compare to you when you grow up." He waved his hand to bestow the little gift. Oh thank you Luci.

Levi stepped forward and looked at the sweet beautiful prince on the cradle.
"My sweet little prince I give you the gift of song and charm. Your sweet natural charm will be the envy of all the land." He waved his hand to bestow the gift.

The last one was Satan. He'd stepped forward and started to chant something.
"My prince... My gift for you will be the gift of-" then there was a strong wind and the doors flew open. Dark mists covered the whole place.

In the middle of the hall was a small stature of a man. It was Belphegor! He had a good dark violet robe and his horns are his horns in demon form.
"L-Lord... Belphegor." The three good faes shuddered in fear as they bowed in front of him.
"So... It's prince Rorian's birth today." He cackled evilly. "And I was deeply disappointed that I wasn't invited." He gave an evil smirk.

Hm... If Lucifer and Belphie would be ranked when it comes to evilness they'll be equally evil.
"Uhm... The invitation didn't reach you my Lord?" The queen asked confused.
"It never reached me. Since I'm already here  I must say I prepared a bit of something for the young prince." He looked at my cute baby self.

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