My Fate

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Ronald and his new friend secretly met for over the years until it was almost his 16th birthday. He wanted to invite his friend over their little cottage and celebrate when his uncles decided to send him away to find some fruits to eat for dinner.

When he was sent away, the three good faes had a painful headache.
"Lucifer!" Satan finally came to his senses.
"Are you all okay?" Lucifer asks Levi and Satan who were also in great pain.
"It's been almost sixteen years in the game. I wonder how much time we've wasted." Lucifer changes to his demon form.

"Asmo haven't still come to his senses. And MC. She's still not alright. Belphie is still the fae lord. What do we do?" Satan asks.
"We should do whatever we can to change the ending. You see... Since we played the game I think the game had already made changes because of who we are. We're not ordinary players and a lot of scenes have changed. The princess to be got kidnapped..." Lucifer told them.

"Then... Could we reach out to Belphie? And what about the others?" Satan asked.
"Mammon and Beel became guards." Lucifer replied, really relieved.
"Now the only thing I'm worried about is your symbolic animal." Satan told him.

"What about it?" Lucifer asked.
"It became Belphie's pet. That's one of the things that changed. Should've been a crow." Levi told them.

Lucifer sighed.
"Before that let's... Set up the whole thing for that precious prince." He said and lead the preparations.

Meanwhile Prince Rorian went with MC who went with him to pick fruits.
"Hey... It's my birthday today. Will you come to my home to celebrate with me?" The young 16 year old asked.

"Oh I remember it's your birthday. Of course I'll come. I want to prepare a gift for you so can you wait for me? I'll come by the afternoon." She smiled at him energetically.

"I don't want you to bother yourself preparing. But if you insist then. The cottage is at the center of the forest. You won't have a hard time finding it." The young prince informed her.

"Okay then. I'll be back. It won't be long before it's afternoon." She said as they parted ways.
The little prince continued to pick some fruits and was on his way back.

When he returned his uncles surprised him with a big cake and a new royal robe.
"What's this?" He asked his uncles.
"It's your birthday of course we planned a surprise party for you." His uncle Florence told him.

"So... Why's there a royal robe here?" He asked them eyeing the peach colored robe.
"You see... My dearest Ronald... You're not just a normal boy." Paris explained.
"You're the royal crown prince Rorian." Marshall explained.

"But... That's impo..." He didn't continue his thoughts because of a wave of pain in his head.
"Brothers..." Asmodeus finally came to his senses.
"Asmo... You're back." Levi smiled at him.

"Yeah. MC... She's under Belphegor's spell. I met her since I was 10." He explained in a rush.
"We know. And you like her even as prince Rorian don't you?" Satan smiled teasingly.
"Of course I do. Who won't like her?" Asmodeus didn't even try to deny.

"She's coming over isn't she?" Lucifer asked.
"Yeah. I invited her and she would come." He said with hope in his heart.
"We don't need to wait for the curse. Because she has the spindle and wheel." Satan told me.

"I still need to sleep?" Asmodeus asked with disappointment in his eyes.
"You do. That is the way we should do it. But... We should at least end it with creativity. Or else we cannot get out of here." Satan replied.

A few hours later a knock came to their door. And it was MC.
"Ronald!" She called. Lucifer answered the door.
A smiling MC came to view and Lucifer have a smile back.

"You must be MC." He told her.
"Yes. Um... Ronald invited me."
Lucifer opened the door for her they all welcomed her and let her take a seat.

MC was delighted to see Ronald and gave him a hug before she greeted a happy birthday.
It was almost sunset then.

It was when MC regained her real self.
"Am I really supposed to do this?" She asked as she looked at the spindle.
"You must. I must take the curse for it to be lifted." The fifth born said and she as MC cannot do it willingly.

Asmodeus just gave up and took the spindle to prick his own finger. And then he passed out.
Satan caught him and they were all sad to see him in a weak state.

But in a flash MC passed out too.
"She will be the one to fight Belphie off." Lucifee craddled her in his arms as he set her down on the bed.

"We need to move the prince back to the castle." Lucifer said as he and Satan took off with Asmodeus. Levi was left to take care of MC.

They enchanted the guards first and kept the beautiful prince in an empty room in a tower.
He was really like sleeping beauty. And the character fit his ego well.
"I've never seen Asmodeus slept so peacefully before." Said Levi while he put a blanket over his little brother.

"Yes. But we still need to play the roles of Paris and Florence. Belphegor is coming to see if MC did the job well." Lucifer said as they stood guard.
They were shocked to hear a peacock cry by the window.  It was black with red eyes.

Lucifer finally realizing it was his symbolic animal absorbed it and finally its return made him whole.
"Belphegor is coming." Lucifer smirked.

They stood guard as the door flew open. A tall figure appeared.
"So... MC really did the job well..."

"Belphie... Snap out of it! We need to get out of the game!" Lucifer screamed at his face.
He avoided him and went out.
"I fear for Belphie's well-being." Lucifer slumped down the chair.

"He'll come to his senses." Levi tried to console him.
Then they heard footsteps outside. Upon hearing it stopped by the door, Levi tried to hear what was outside.

"Prince Rorian!" A familiar voice called. It was MC! When they opened the door, MC came rushing in.
"I'll save him." MC declared.

"Kiss him. I know that you love him. And he loves you too." Lucifer smiled at her.
MC nodded as she approached the bed with the sleeping prince.

She bent down and put her lips on his.

MC's pov:

He smells so good and his lips were so soft. I can feel his energy coming back. I moved my lips to feel if there's any other movement.

Asmo's pov:

I felt her lips on mine and it was heaven. Even in the real world MC never kissed anyone this long. So I decided to still sleep.

"Asmo... How long are you planning to sleep?" Lucifer asked. Of course I didn't answer I just put my arms around her neck to kiss her more.

"Asmo... Let go please. You're killing me." MC struggled to get out of my grasp.
She was panting.
"Am I sweet MC?"

"Oh who can ever be more sweet than you?" MC asked and smiled at me.
And then I heard roars. When we looked outside it was Belphie but in a big dragon form.

Of course MC grabbed her sword and fought the dragon. It wasn't easy. Since Belphie knew some surprise attacks and trick moves. MC was almost defeated but finally killed the dragon.

I even got another kiss from MC when the environment depixelated and went back to white nothingness.

Then it was Beel's turn.


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