We need to break your spell

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Satan's pov:

I was surprised. How did she end up here? She's too precious to be caught by witches.
"Hey... Um why're you here? If you don't mind me asking." I tried to strike a conversation with her.
"I'm a witch like those laughing outside. I was pretty much loved by them when I was born." She started.

"What happened was when I turned 11... A very powerful fairy put a spell on me. A spell that would make me the worst witch there ever was. I mean... If I was a witch I should be at least mean. But the spell made me into a good girl. So they detested me and locked me in here. I was a witch but I didn't look like some kind of cat." She cried as she showed me her deformed face.

"What kind of fairy would do this to you? Fairies make things better not worse." I was puzzled.
"They thought I'm some kind of freak and thought I'd be better if I just... Became like this. Since they said I was already a beast inside it should at least look like one."

"Come on... Should the witches at least help you?" I asked.
"Those witches aren't going to help me. They looked at me as if I was some kind of toy and play thing." She cried.

"How do I break your spell?" I asked her. And I realized she cannot. It's a rule that the one who was cursed cannot tell how he/she was cursed or tell anyone how to break it.

Then it hit me. True love's kiss. It's the most powerful thing in the Disney Universe. Kiss would break the spell. If not a kiss true love itself could break it.
But true love needs time to flourish. We really don't have that much time. If we are rushed... Then we need the twist.

I called on my demon form. Green flames surrounded me and in a swift move I turned to my demon form. Horns and all.
I blasted our way out of there. Carrying MC with me I rushed to the witches' hallway.

I sent a telephatic message to my brothers. They're all in pain now. I gulped.
Please... Anyone... We need to finish this and get home.
I was desperate. I need to get them all out of this story.

I remembered the story. I need to break the spell. But how? Racking my brains for any spell in my spellbooks that could turn back a witch to her old self.

I looked at her and noticed that she looked like a cat. I muttered an incantation that would at least get her face back even if it's a short period of time.

"This... Would help you for a bit. But I don't think it's permanent." I told her as she thanked me. In a moment she clutched her head and fell down.

"S-Satan... Are we still in your story?" She asked me.
"Yes. MC. We need to find the others. We need to find a way to finish this whole story. Or else we could be trapped here forever." I stated.

I encountered the warlock brothers. My brothers.
"Snap out of it!" I screamed. "The one who made this game wants us to be trapped here! Remember that you're demons of Devildom." I tried to call them out.

They all clutched their heads in pain.
"Satan... Lucifer's not here anymore. He's out there asking the townspeople for help. He might come here any minute with mobs that might burn us all." Levi was the one who broke out of the fake life.

"Then... We have no time to loose. We need to get Lucifer." I told them in a rush.
"What? I thought we need to break MC's curse first." Asmodeus was puzzled.

"In this game and time ... Witchcraft isn't really accepted. They burn the witch in the stake. And I think Lord Diavolo's character might burn him if he doesn't submit to him." I explained. "Let's hurry please." I said and we left the coven.

I rushed to the town square and saw the townspeople preparing to burn Lucifer in the stake! I was right!
"Let's bring him down. First we need to calm the people. Belphie can you do it?" I asked him.
"With sleeping spells I can." He walked forward and the mob turned to him.

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