I'm royalty? That's a dream come true!

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Mammon's pov:

We ended up in a big Indian palace. "So who am I supposed to be?" I asked them as I was really confused about things. Of course I didn't tell that to them.

"Aladdin. Aladdin and the magic lamp." Levi cheerfully answered.
"Who are we supposed to be?" Satan asked.
"I guess you're sultan, Satan." MC answered him. MC dressed like a royal too.

"Guess I'm Jasmine." She chuckled.
"Who's that?" I asked of course clueless.
"That's the female lead." Satan facepalmed. "Seriously. All you know is gambling."

"We get to be together?" That's all I understood.
"Yeah." MC said and they all laughed.

Third Person's pov:

Satan, MC, Lucifer, and all the others except Levi and Mammon were left. They all vanished as the story began. Mammon was really puzzled as to why he was in the streets. He was also wearing rags.

"You're dirt poor in this story Mammon." Levi informed him.
"I thought I was a prince." Mammon complained.
"Yes. You will be. You need to be one in order to marry her." Levi stated.

"How will I be a prince then?" He asked which made Levi's patience a bit shorter.
"An old man which in reality is the antagonist, Jafar will soon find you. He will ask you to go in the Cave of Wonders to retrieve a lamp that will have a magical genie in it. You'll wish to be a prince."

"How'd I get there?"

Levi sighed. Too many questions.
"Just let the story flow will you? You'd get spoiled of the whole thing if you don't let it go naturally." Levi hit him with a stick he found somewhere.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Mammon eyed him.
"I'm supposed to be an animal. A monkey to be precise." Levi answered half heartedly.
"I'm too adorable to be a monkey." Levi sighed.

"So... What do I do in this story? Am I supposed to wait for this Jafar to start looking for the lamp?" Mammon was still clueless.
"You'll be a street rat. Palace guards will be always on the hunt for you. But since you're only a simple man... You only steal necessities like food." Levi explained.

"What? But Levi I steal stuff that's worth to sell! I don't steal food." Mammon tried to contradict Aladdin's character.

"Stay in character will you? Only bits of change could be allowed." Levi whispered as the crowd of people got bigger, in a flash Levi turned into a small monkey. (abu)

Mammon walked around with Levi on his shoulders. He saw how poor the people there were. There were some begging on the streets... Children without parents... It broke his heart. Not because he was like that. It's because he has Aladdin's character in him.

"Why am I feeling pity for these humans? Am I supposed to take pity on them?" The second born asked in whisper.
"Well... You are Aladdin in this story. Not Mammon."

"That explains it." And then he heard his stomach grumble.
"I'm hungry." He realized he needed food.
"I thought I'd only hear that from Beel." Levi chuckled.
"I get hungry too. It's just that he's the avatar of gluttony, he's way worse when he gets hungry." He looked around and grabbed a loaf of bread.

In a flash there were mobs of people going after him. It was lucky Aladdin has good reflexes and strong bones to jump from roof to roof. (cue song from Aladdin)

The palace guards soon began to chase him too. But he was so much faster than all of them and outran them in a matter of minutes.

"Whew that was close Levi." Mammon slumped down and broke the bread for the both of them to share.
He was about to eat when he saw two children who looked at them with hungry eyes.

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