A complete turn around

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Lucifer's pov:

I grunted in pain as I let go of the trident in the throne room. The other mermen were trying to get a doctor for me. While the others thought to bring me in my room. Diavolo and mine.

I sighed as I tried to relax. I need to relax somehow. But how when the pain started to creep from my fishtail up to my brain little by little? I coughed up a lot of blood. Why?

A doctor came to examine me. He's one weird merman. He sat beside me and looked at me with white orbs that made him look blind.
"Don't worry your Excellency... I'm a professional and we will make sure you're going to be fine." He flashed a creepy smile and through his smile I saw how cruel he was.

I tried to get up and swim out as fast as I can.
"Who are you?!" I screamed.
"A a ah... You don't want to be in pain again so I suggest you lay down and rest. Don't worry when you wake up you'd be better." He said as he picked up a big syringe.

I fought with all my might as I flicked his arm off. The syringe flew out of his hand.
"I suggest you... Tell me what's going on." I said as energy dripped out of me. I summoned every ounce of my energy to call on my demon form.

In a flash of black and blue fire I managed to call on my form.
"Ah so we have a very capable demon as one of the players." He chuckled.
"Who are you? And why are you trapping us here?" I asked.

"I'm merely a simple demon Lucifer. I made this game and I'm enjoying when my players get stuck here forever." He laughed like a maniac.
"Demon... Hmph. You also trapped other demons, and the demon prince here. And if he doesn't get out you'll answer to the whole Devildom." I said and tried to summon a demon orb.

A battle between us ensued. I was too weak but of course I was stronger and managed to subdue him.
I was also injured but he had more.
"Tell me... How do we get out of here?" I asked pointing the trident I called upon at his neck.
"How? Play the game. It's very simple. You've got 6 brothers with you. Two are already done... You've got to go through the whole thing." He smirked.

"That is... Without loosing your identity as demons and your memories. Do this, give me a good show and then you'll be free to go." He smirked and disappeared with a huff.

I grunted and went off to see my brothers. I left a double to be the king. I unlock the prison and took Diavolo out.
"I'm sorry my Lord. I shouldn't have done this to you." I looked at him with pain in my eyes.
"You'd make a good king Consort someday." He told me with a wink.

Levi's pov:

I met the empress cosplay, MC and I was really shocked she doesn't know me.


"Hey... You're Empress Cosplay aren't you?" I asked the pretty girl on the shores. I can't be wrong. This is the same girl I saw.
"Yes. Yes I am. How'd you know me? You're an otaku too?" She flashed me a grin.

"Yes. I'm a diehard fan of you. I'm so glad I got to meet you." I told her. I walked with her along the shores and was excited when she said she would let me stay in her vacation house nearby.

"Wow. Thank you for being my fan. You could stay in the vacation house with me." She said and of course I agreed.

The human realm's time goes faster than the one in Atlantis.
A day there is a year here. So we've been together for almost 2 years.

So that was it. Empress Cosplay, aka (MC name)(for me it's Dainara) have formed a suitable relationship. No one had dared to bother us and I haven't told her the truth.

My character also changed in the game. But what I'm worried about is my brothers. I thought of them when I was there.
Lucifer might've succeeded in overpowering father and all.



Please answer us!

I heard voices... Wait... How can this happen? Why did this happen? Is it all in my mind?
I felt pain in my head and fell down.

Levi! It's us! Lucifer, Satan, Asmo, your brothers! Please tell us where you are!

Why... Who are you? Why do I have to go with you? You're not my brothers.

We are in a game! Please let us know where you exactly are. And are you with MC?

How did you know her? Don't hurt her or so help me!

We are your brothers! We have to finish this game as soon as possible if we are going to go back! Ruri chan is waiting for you in your room!

It hit me. Devildom. I'm from Devildom. We are in the game. And I should keep from loosing myself.
I grabbed MC and confessed to her.

"MC... I know we haven't been true to each other but my feelings for you have been true these past 2 years. And I love you so." In a swift move, I took her into my arms and kissed her.

And then it all came back to okay. I broke the spell and I became a merman again.
"So what's the plan?" Asmodeus asked us.
"We play the game but in our terms. We need to change the boring story. So we end this in our terms that's what the demon that created this game say." Lucifer said.

"So... We just need to finish this game and move on?" MC asked.
"Yes. And we continue until the end."

We talked about the plan and was prepared to do it. Lucifer was still the antagonist and the others were all side characters.

I unleashed my sea serpent side and went for the attack on Lucifer. My brothers and lord Diavolo were all tied up as he had the trident. I lifted an old shipwreck and used it as something to throw at the giant version of Lucifer. He changed into a big black phoenix and threw black fire on us.

Of course I got burned. But it was for show. Lucifer will help me heal it and anything I wish if we got out of here.
The burn was nothing. So I breathed water. It's some sort of liquid nitrogen.

After hours of battling we finally come to a close with him severely injured and pretending to "die"

We rejoiced and all were happy when the environment depixelated. Back to nothingness.

It was now Satan's turn.


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