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Levi and Mammon were trapped as per Jafar's ( Lucifer's) orders. Meanwhile he gets up and starts his job as the sultan's royal vizier which he hates but since they're playing this game he had to.

He worked all day for someone he hated and that is a hard job already. He secretly hoped he'd serve Diavolo instead. (He wore what Jafar wore in the movie)

Satan was having fun in this kind of setup. He'd get to boss his brother around but since he's more powerful he'll have the upper hand. He always had. But in this game he's sultan. And being royal has its perks.

When they were alone Lucifer asked to talk to him.
"You're having fun aren't you?" He sneered at his brother with eyes that seem to be daggers.
"Well... I don't know what you're implying.... Jafar." Satan said teasingly.

At some point Lucifer wants to strangle him. But if he did that he might cause more trouble for the others by somehow changing the events.

"When we get back remind me to kill you." Lucifer stormed off. He disguised himself as an old man and went to his brother and pretended to be a prisoner.
He told him about the secrets of the cave of wonders and all about the treasures which he thinks could impress the princess. Since he was a very dirt poor person he needs to at least be wealthy.

The old man was freed by Levi and they all went off to the cave of wonders. All the man wanted in return of telling him the secret was an old oil lamp that's in the center.
The guardian had sensed him to be the diamond in the rough and let him in but warned him not to touch anything but the lamp.

He wanders inside and saw wonderful treasures. All jewels, rubies and diamonds. Mammon wanted to get them but since he's portraying Aladdin he didn't touch anything. Levi was looking around, disinterested in tbey jewels.

A magic carpet was trapped under a rock and when Mammon noticed he removed the rock. The carpet thanked him.

Mammon finally got a hold of the lamp. He was anticipating traps to be hurdled at him but nothing activated.
"Whoa! This is a picture of Ruri chan's photoshoot in a bunny costume!" Levi's voice echoed all over the cave as he took the photo.

"Levi noooo!" Mammon screamed at him as the whole place began to crumble. He was about to get out of there when the greedy old man asked for the lamp and refused to help them. When he saw how greedy this man was he removed his hand which held the lamp.

They all got trapped in there.
"If you didn't get that stupid photo we wouldn't be stuck here." Mammon passed the blame when he saw how Levi cherished the photo.
"Ruri chan is very cute." He cooed as he almost worshiped the photo.

Mammon rubbed his hand and the lamp to create heat in that cold place. In a second golden puffs of smoke emitted from the lamp and a large figure appeared.

"Satan?" Both of them were very puzzled. Even Satan.
"I'm supposed to be sultan. Princess Jasmine's father! Wait... Lord Diavolo is supposed to be the genie." He muttered.

"Lucifer must've willed for this to happen." Satan facepalmed.
"Wait... Lucifer is Jafar?" Levi asked.
"Yes." The younger demon sighed.
"How'd we beat him?" Mammon sounded hopeless.

"It won't be easy. But since he's Jafar in this story... He won't be as powerful as he was as a demon." Satan sighed.
"Let's get out of here." On the magic carpet he, Levi and Satan got out of there.

Satan used his genie powers to get out of the cave because he can. Landing on an island they began to talk about princess Jasmine.
"So my first wish is make me a prince." He stated. In a whirlwind he turned into a gorgeous prince. (What he might've worn in one of the events Arabian nights?)

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