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Beel's pov:

We transported to America and in New Orleans as the sign says. We are still not in our roles like in the first stories. I got a feel of my story. It's very homey since I'll be staying in a cottage.

"We are still in our astral projection. So Beel... You already have a feel of the story?" Lucifer asked and held my shoulder. I could feel that he's getting weaker by the moment. We need to finish the remaining stories quick. But how do we do this quicker than usual?

"Yes. It's very homey. Let's take a peek into that house." I said as we all went to the window pane. I saw a little version of me. And my parents were also a female version of Lucifer and Lord Diavolo.

"Why am I always the parent?" Lucifer asked with a sigh
"Hey you're not always the parent Lucifer. You were also snow white and Jafar." Mammon corrected him.
Lucifer hit him for correcting him since Lucifer got a point. He and lord Diavolo were always the parents royal or not.

There was a mini Beel in there. He was cooking in a big pot and they watched as the father, James or Lord Diavolo tasted what he was cooking and said it was the best gumbo he ever tasted.

Lord Diavolo squeezed in. He looked lovingly.
"This is princess and the frog." Satan whispered and one by one they began depixelating to their roles.

"Good luck Beel." They all said and in a moment I was alone. I  went in and fused with the boy.

Timmy (Tiana) dreamed to be a chef one day. To open his own restaurant business and be rich.

Eudora and James had a talk about the upcoming war that was ahead of them.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked her husband.
"Yes. Of course. I had to." James cupped his wife's semi fair face and kissed her. (Eudora here is kinda fair but not as fair as Lucifer's skin.) (He plays her role)

"Please come back to us. Timmy is still too young." She was worried of her husband's well-being when he was called to war.
"Of course. Wait for me okay?" He said with a smile.

That night they slept with Timmy between them at least peacefully. But peaceful days weren't to last. The war came. And James never came back. He was one of the soldiers that died in the war. Timmy had to work but not forgetting his dream to be a chef.

Except for manly jobs in a diner he also cooked and became the head chef there. He was one of a kind boy. He was kindhearted and strong which made the girls fawn over him.

That morning his good friend, Charles (Mammon) came to visit him. He was the son of a very rich merchant in their town.
"Hey Tim! Are ya ready for a fun party tonight?" He asked him cheerfully.

"I don't care about partying. And besides. I still need to work for that building I had my eyes on. I'm saving." Timmy only gave his friend a smile.

Charles went to him and flung his arm over to his friend's shoulder.
"Come on Timmy it's only for today. It's my birthday.  Tomorrow you can work as much as you can. And besides... I already hired you for tonight. You're gonna be making some of your delicious snacks for my party." He said as he put a handful of bills in front of his friend.

"Alright alright. But only for today alright?" He said as he kept the money and went to the kitchen. As he prepared his famous beignets he also went to the owner of the building that he wanted to buy. After the signing of documents he set to clean the whole place.

His mother came over to congratulate her son. His dreams are finally coming true.

Meanwhile a beautiful princess landed on New Orleans with a lady in waiting. Princess Y/N needs to find someone that will be her husband but he needs to be someone from a good, wealthy family.

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