A/N Not an update

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Hey guys. Thank you for reading this story. I know it's kinda confusing. Since the demon brothers portrayed characters that is from a children's story. Demons portraying good willed humans.

But I had fun when I started this fanfiction. I was happy cause there were actually people willing to read my fanfictions. When I saw the only picture that was in this story I thought that I'd have to write a fanfic wherein they play the story of the princesses.

It was hard to think about the princess I'll let each character play. At first I thought... Wow. I got this and updated as soon and as much as I can when I get more inspiration on what to write and how to write it. At first I was really thinking if I should switch Belphie and Asmo's roles.

But when I thought about it I said ah scratch that idea. They're already portraying the best characters.

Lucifer: ya think?

Author: Yes. I think you're better to be snow white. Cause of that picture you know?

Lucifer: *facepalms* you also think it's good to have me with Diavolo all the time?

Diavolo: I agree with Author chan. Cause we're a couple.

Levi: I think me being a merman is cool.

Beel: I love food. That's why it was good to be a chef. Lucifer is good at being a royal parent.

Lucifer: I'm here you know.

Diavolo: but he's also good at being a villain. I hope we can play this again with Luci as the villain. What do you think honey?

Lucifer: I'm not your honey.

Asmodeus: the author did a good job at making me play sleeping beauty's role.

Belphie: *yawns* I'm still sleepy so you better shut it.

Satan: yeah. I'm reading over here. So please shush. Ooh is that a cat?

Mammon: Hi MC *blushes*

MC: you do know that author chan and I are one and the same right?

All brothers + Diavolo: Whaaattt?

So that's it for the story.

Thank you again for reading and once inspiration strikes me like lightning I will write another good fanfic. If this is considered good.

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