Finally Home

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The flight went seamlessly. Everyone was subdued, quiet, lost in their own thoughts for most of the flight.

Namjoon had eventually awakened and was careful not to jostle Aster awake. She slept very deeply, like she hadn't slept in months.

He watched her sleep, noticing how her brow would furrow a bit then relax. She never let go of his hand, surprisingly enough. His hand moved slightly in hers, feeling it's smooth softness.


I would be lying if I said I didn't quite enjoy Aster resting her head on my shoulder, her hand in mine. I felt so lucky to be in such a situation.

But I knew it was temporary. Her behavior was probably due to her nervousness and anxiety over leaving America behind and heading to a place she only vaguely remembered.

The captain came over the intercom and let us know we were beginning our descent. It had been a long flight but it was almost over. We would be seeing our homeland in a matter of moments.

The cabin grew quiet as each member was pushing their face up to a window, watching as we came down below the clouds.

Loud shouts of excitement filled the plane as land came into sight. Aster jolted awake, lifting her head and looking around. I secretly mourned the loss of her warmth as she quickly jerked her hand back away from mine,

"We're getting ready to land. Sorry for the loud noise. But you can imagine how happy they all are. We're finally home." I couldn't help the wide smile that was surely plastered on my face.

She had a tight smile on her own face and nodded. "I wish I could be so happy."

Her reply was muttered under her breath, but I still heard it.

"I know it's not home for you right now, but you never know, it could become home."

"I really don't have a home, Namjoon. Hopefully, some day, I'll find that place."

She had a sad look on her face and I wished there was something I could do to make it go away. Instead, I simply felt like the culprit who put it there.


The plane landed safely about thirty minutes later. We deplaned right onto the tarmac. The airport was as dull and lifeless as it was when we left.

Our pilot had chosen to remain here, in Korea and help us. He said he had no desire to fly an empty plane home.

I was grateful and told him so.

One of our post personnel met us at the airport. Several jeeps and trucks formed a caravan of sorts. Each of us loaded our luggage and gear into the vehicles and began loading up ourselves.

Aster stood back, watching us. I smiled and held my hand out to her once more.

"Ride with me?" I waited for her to take my hand.

She shunned me once more.

"I want to ride with Yoongi."

I raised my eyebrows but smiled in spite of the clear rejection. "Sure. No problem. Yoongi! Aster is riding with you."

He waved from his Jeep and Aster quickly made her way over to him.

He looked towards me and I simply shrugged. I could tell he too, was puzzled by her actions. I was downright confused.

Just when I thought I was getting closer to her, she pushed me away. It bothered me, but what could I do?

The caravan took off and we were finally headed towards home.

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