The Best Bodyguard

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WARNING: I hate putting warnings in my books, but some people need them, and I understand. The next few chapters will have quite a bit of violence in them. Without giving away spoilers, there will be people dying. There will be graphic descriptions of death and violence. If that is a thing for you, then please scroll down to the bottom for a summary.


I was seeing red. My fangs were out, and I was one breath away from shifting and shredding every enemy in my path.

Jin was beside me pausing only to fire his weapon. I was almost out of ammo and grabbed another clip from my belt, slapping it into my gun while Jin provided cover for me.

I saw Jimin walking calmly down the main road in the middle of the camp, firing his weapon with ease. He had a sardonic smirk on his face, laughing with every enemy that dropped from his shots.

"Jimin, report!" Jin shouted as we made our way to him.

We stayed close to the buildings, but Jimin arrogantly walked towards us. He was enjoying this a bit much.

"I don't know how many there are, but I've already picked off about ten."

His fatigues were splattered with dark red and I should have been disgusted, but to be honest, I was extremely happy to see the blood of my enemies.

"I need to get to the bunkers," I growled, shooting a sniper off the rooftop across the way. The man fell to the ground with a very satisfying crunch.

"Let's go then!" Jimin led the way and his head turned side to side, his keen eyesight looking for any hint of movement. Jin stayed behind me and I was humbled to have men who would sacrifice their own safety for mine.

Taehyung and Hoseok had made it back and messaged that they were heading to the bunkers. We were all heading to the same place and this felt dangerous. We would be fish in a barrel if we all went there.

I stopped short and called Jimin and Jin. We ducked into a nearby barrack just as some of the rogues came around the corner.

"You two keep picking them off. If we all go to the bunkers we will be sitting ducks. But I need to get there."

Jimin frowned for the first time since we met up with him. "We can't protect you if you aren't with us. There's strength in numbers."

"Taehyung and Hoseok are going there too," I argued.

"You are our General, Joon. But you're also our brother." Jin backed up Jimin's concern.

"Look, if I am going to die, it won't matter if I'm with you or not. I need to get to the bunker." I was getting impatient. They had to understand why I needed to get to the bunkers. I needed to know Aster, and Yoongi, were okay. There was so much screaming and chaos going on right now.

"Just cover me. I'm going." 

I opened the door cautiously and the other two found their spots. Under a shower of bullets, I ran towards my target. Bullets whizzed past my ears but somehow I avoided being hit. Can't say the same for the enemy though.

I reached the bunker entrance and I felt enraged at what I saw. Our guards were full of holes laying in a heap where they fell onto each other. Blood had puddled on the ground and their open eyes stared at nothing.

I charged to the open door and watched for attacks as I made my way through the bunker. Bodies were everywhere. I wanted to vomit when I saw the still bodies of men, women, and children, hybrids and human alike. I wanted nothing more than to sever some heads from their rogue bodies as I hurried past the dead.

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