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"Hey honey look at me, she has the best doctors with her right now you need to calm down" My mom whispered holding my face in her delicate hands.

My eyes didn't move from the door where the nurses wheeled Gen through. She was awake but barely as she cradled her belly.

"You saw what I did to her mom, I just ignored her when she needed me" I said staring at her.

How stupid was I to ignore her when she was heavily pregnant? I even knew that she was making sure that she gave me time to be with my close friends and family.

I should have realised that she would only come to me if she really needed me.

" It's okay son, she's getting looked at now, you need to be strong for her okay, you cant be feeling guilty right now" she reasoned with me, I felt nervous as I looked at her, my mum was likely remembering when she was in hospital the day she lost her twins.

"I'm sorry mom" I whispered sinking my face into her shoulder.

She rubbed my head softly, just like she did when I was younger.

"who's the fiancé?"

I turned to find our doctor standing there looking around. "I am" I stepped forward. He ordered me to follow him without even waiting for me. I squeezed mom's hand, "come with me" I whispered.


"please" I knew that Gen would want her in the room with us. I had this gut feeling that the was going to be delivering those babies tonight, at any cost.

"your fiancé has a higher blood pressure than we would have liked at her stage, but we are monitoring it carefully. Ideally I think that we should try and deliver the babies tonight." The doctor said to us as we were outside the door where Gen was.

I clenched my fist.

"is that safe, is she even ready" I asked the doctor. She wasn't due for another 2 weeks, when she wakes up she will kill me when she finds out I agreed to a c section.

"we don't really have a choice; she is very weak and she wont be able to push them both out so we need to do this tonight" he continued to explain.

My eyes moved over to Gen laying down on the bed. Her mother stood next to the bed and ran her fingers down her hair.

I removed my blazer and handed it over to the nurse as I walked over to the bed. "Can I have a minute with her?" I asked them all.

I watched Gen's eyes slowly open, she made the move to look around searching for me.

Both of our mothers and the rest of the nurses walked out giving us some time alone.

I walked next to Gen, my fingers gently touching her arm.

"Hey baby" I said giving her my biggest smile. She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. She was hooked up to iv's and a machine next to her, monitoring the baby's heartbeats.

"I'm scared" she whispered.

"I know baby" I said getting down to my knee so I could be level with her.

She finally looked at me. I was relieved to still see the brightness in her eyes.

God those eyes will always be beautiful.

" The doctor said that you will need to deliver them tonight but because your body isn't very strong " I clenched my fist when she turned away from me.

" What if something happens to them, what if they're not perfect" she said with a tight hold on my hand.


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