Chapter 8 New Allies and New Quest

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{E-Rantel} {Adventurer's Guild} 

Toyohisa and Nabe entered the guild, drawing everyone's attention to them. The first thing others looked at was their eastern appearance, fair complexion and black hair, only few travelers from the east looked into E-Rantel. After Toyohisa and Nabe looked around the guild, they approached the bulletin board looking for a task for themselves.

Adventurer 1: Hey. That sword is amazing, and his light armor may be high quality. Just how much did that cost?

Adventurer 2: Even thought he's just copper plate...

Adventurer 3: Yeah, and look at that beauty next to him. "dreamy sigh" She looks like angel.

Adventurer 1: I'm sure he's some rich kid.

Adventurer 2: A present from daddy?

Adventurer 1/2/3: Hahahahha.

Toyohisa: (There are two reasons why we decide to become adventures. One was to gather information about this world, second was for money. We have huge amount of Yggdrasil's money but none from this. Well, maybe three reasons, third is form to fight my boredom. Yeah, I have many experiments to do but, a fight from time to time isn't that bad) "reads some of quests" (Thank's to Force Drain I was able to learn this world's language from Nigun and Cora.) 

Nabe: Toyohisa, they're laughing at you. 

Toyohisa: Simply ignore them. They are just idiots. "turns to Nabe" So, what do you want to do? Kill some goblins, hunt direwolves or maybe gather some magic ore? Hmm?

Nabe: I don't think that gathering some ore is quest suiting you. 

Toyohisa: "turns to board" Hmm. Maybe quest to kill Basilisk? 

Nabe: "nods" I think that it should suffice. 

Toyohisa picks up the quest from the board and places it on the counter.

Toyohisa: I'd like to take this job.

Woman: I'm very sorry. This is a request for a mythril plate adventurer. 

Toyohisa: I know. I figured that if we want to advance in ranks we need to take harder quests. 

Woman: Huh? I don't thi-

Toyohisa: You see this woman next to me. "points to Nabe" Is a third tier magic caster.

Adventurer 4: Third tier? At that age?! 

Toyohisa: And I'm swordsman with equal level to her. So? "leans closer to woman" Can we take this quest. Please? 

Woman looked into Toyohisa's eyes, an immediately blushed. Compered to other man in E-Rantel, Toyohisa was extremely handsome. But his actions weren't liked by Nabe, now she was looking other way while pouting. 

Woman: "blushing" I-I am very sorry. But according to the rules, you cannot take this job. There is risk that if you would fail this quest many people might die. 

Toyohisa: "leans back" I see. Then it can't be helped. "sigh" Please, give us the hardest copper rank quest.

Woman: Oh, Yes! I understand! "walks away"

Toyohisa: "turns to Nabe" See? I still have some of my charm. Nabe? Is everything alright?

Nabe: "still pouting" Yes.

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