Chapter 8

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That Sunday I made it a mission to dig into jay's ex relationship. I needed to figure out why it was such a gray topic. The dinner had went good yesterday and for once Jay looked like he actually liked his family. Or maybe it was just an act I don't know. However, we'd all ate dinner and watched Family Feud together in the living room while we ate some of Kelly's delicious coconut cake. It was nice.

After finishing up some assignments I had procrastinated on I went onto my phone to see if I could find Jay's ex's social media accounts. The issue was I didn't even know her name. All I knew was she went to Florence High School. The thing with high school was all of the popular people knew each other even if they attended different schools they'd all know of each other because of attending the same parties. I decided to start from Jay's following list and see if he followed anyone from Florence High, then I would go through their following list and so on until I discovered her page.


It didn't take me long before I found her. My deep investigation and stalking abilities had paid off. Her name was Destiny Torres.

Her page was private so I couldn't go through her pictures. However, she used her same username from Instagram for Twitter also so I was able to go through her posts on there. Her page was full of typical teen tweets about school, girl things, and insecurities. I scrolled and scrolled just to get a feel for her personality. She seemed like a nice girl. She was as pretty as she was in person. Perfect skin, thick dark hair, dimples. Nothing was out of the ordinary. I went into the photo section of her page and saw she only had about thirty pictures so I went through those, stopping at the very first one she had posted because it caught my attention. It was a picture of her and Jay. They were in a car and smiling at the camera, looking happy.

My everything, was the caption.

A twing of jealousy came over me. I exited from the pictures and proceeded to scroll. In the process I accidently liked one of her tweets from two weeks ago.

"Crap," I said. I quickly unliked it and immediately exited off her page.

That was enough investigating for the day.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. It was such an embarrassment hopefully she wasn't the type to check her notifications like that. I was thankful when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I said.

Chris poked his head in.

"What you doing?" He asked.

Just stalking my boyfriends ex, I thought to myself.

"Nothing really, finished homework," I said instead. "Why?"

Chris held up his car keys.

"Wanna practice?"

I smiled. Chris has been giving me small lessons occasionally since I started working since he knew it was my goal to get my license and a car soon. The lessons were nothing extreme he would just let me drive around an empty parking lot or a residential area. I was still too scared and inexperienced to go on the main streets.

"Let's go," I said. I got out of bed and put on my shoes.


"Alright, when you're making a right turn with no type of stop you always want to keep your foot on the break lightly," Chris explained to me.

We'd been driving around the neighborhood for almost an hour but I was still struggling with getting my turns. I followed Chris's instructions and this time my turn was better.

"Good you're getting better," Chris said.

I smiled proudly and did a happy dance with my shoulders.

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