Chapter 13

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« Hospital »

Obito was fidgety.

Very, very fidgety.

"Quit moving around, Tobi, un!" Deidara groaned, glaring at the masked man they had been introduced to. He was quite the idiot if they had to say their first impressions of him.

Tobi was silent.

He hadn't felt Miyuki's chakra enter her house last night, nor did she enter Sasuke's house. She definitely wasn't having a sleepover, since she simply didn't do sleepovers, and he hadn't been alerted of any missions.

So where was she?

"Tobi will be one second!" He chirped, standing up from the couch and running away, leaving the rest of the Akatsuki to watch the crappy TV.


Miyuki's eyes fluttered open. Blinking, she wondered where she was.

Ah. She was in the white room. Again. Why was she here again? Was the katsudon poisoned? Wait, no. She never got to make the katsudon. What a waste of money. What would Kakuzu say?

Who is Kakuzu? What are all these odd thoughts? How did she end up in the white room..?

"Oh! She's awake!" A feminine voice yelled from a small distance away. "Thank kami you're okay!" She cried, running over to the bed.

Miyuki registered long blonde hair and light blue eyes. This girl was pretty. But did she know her? She didn't think so.

"Miyuki?!" Another voice shouted. This one was a little lower, and extremely familiar. She couldn't pinpoint where she had heard it before. She'd ask Yahiko about it later. He knows everything.

Who's Yahiko? She knew she definitely had never met anyone called Yahiko in her entire life.

"Miyuki?" The voice called again, softer, and closer this time. She knew the face, but what was the name? She recognised him and his rather odd hairstyle, but she couldn't quite put a name on him. Or could she? It might not be the right one, but she could try?

"...I-Ita..chi..?" Miyuki tried weakly, staring at the face. The boy froze.

"No! it's me! Sasuke!" He protested furiously. "You remember me, right?"

Sasuke? Oh! Right, that was right. That was correct. Who was Itachi then?

"Then..then w-who is Itachi...?" She questioned confusedly. Sasuke's face turned sour as Ino watched from the side, a concerned look on her face.

Ino! That was her name.

"I- know.. the-the clan.." Sasuke muttered, his voice breaking.

The clan? The Uchiha! That's correct, yes, yes, that is indeed correct. What about the clan?

It hit her. They were dead. Itachi killed them. She frowned.

"Oh, right. Gone."

Her face twisted in concentration. There was something important that she forgot. What was it again? Katsudon? Katsumi. Katsuki? Right! Akatsuki!

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