Chapter 32

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« Grief »

q u a d r u p l e

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

Kakashi awoke with a gasp, tears building up in the corner of his eye. He immediately got up and rushed to the bathroom, turning on the sink and washing his hands.

It won't come off.

Why won't it come off?

There's so much blood.

He washed his hands frantically, heavily breathing.

He dropped to his knees, sobbing. "It's all my fault.."


Naruto had been unusually silent, much to Jiraiya's discomfort.

"You okay, kiddo?"

The blond shifted, gripping his backpack tighter. "I don't like leavin' Sasuke alone in the village."

Jiraiya rose an eyebrow. "Why not? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

Naruto frowned. "Our teammate-" he whispered, voice cracking. "Our teammate got murdered during the- the invasion. She was Sasuke's cousin."

Jiraiya paused, biting his lip. He cursed himself for his inconsiderate words. "Oh. I'm sorry about that, kid."

His mouth twitched up. "'S alright. She wouldn't want me to be sad anyways."

You aren't strong enough.

Use me.

Use me and you will get stronger.

Let me take control.


Sasuke was in the corner of his room, curled up in a ball as he cried. In his hands was his team photo, the only photo of Miyuki that he himself owned. He was pretty sure Miyuki had a bunch of photos with him in her house, but he didn't have the heart to check.

Miyuki had an arm around Sasuke's shoulder, her hands forming peace signs as she smiled. Kakashi was sweatdropping as he forced the Naruto to look at the camera instead of away, eyes closed in a smile.

She was all I had.

She was my best friend.

She was like my little sister.

It's all my fault.

I should have protected her.

I should have protected her.

I should have protected her.

I should have protected her.

Why didn't I protect her?

He sobbed into the darkness, fists clenched.

I didn't protect her.

You didn't protect her.

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