My story

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*Elena pov*
"Hi," said a girl walking up to me "Oh hi," I replayed to her looking at my locker. "I'm new here I was wondering if we can be friends," said the girl smiling I looked over too her. "Sure I'm Elena," I said to the girl smiling "I'm Sophia," said the girl "What brings you to New Jersey," I said closing my locker "I lived in Boston and in my old town my dad use to hit my mom and I a bunch I use to go to school bruised up and the kids there made fun of me. I hated going home so I use to get home as late as I can my mom worked at a coffee shop and I use to go their after school my mom would cook something up for me there and I would eat. One day I told my mom I didn't want to go home and she told me to pack things up pretend I was going to school and she was going to work and we left and we made it here in New Jersey. My mom works at Starbucks in a mall and I'm planning to go there after school," said Sophia "Wow you're story is horrible," I said looking at her and giving her a hug "Hey if you don't mine can we go to the mall I can invite my friends and we can head over their and meet you're mom and shop if you like," I say to Sophia "Really," she says with a smile "for sure," I say smiling at her "Here give me you're number so I can text you during lunch and after school meet me here after school and at lunch," I say to her smiling "Thank you so much Elena you're so sweet," Sophia says hugging me "Elena what is you're story," Sophia says looking at me "Woah uhm I never really tell people my story my boyfriend doesn't know nor my friends," I said to her "But since you told me you're I'll tell you mine," I said to her "But do we have time," I told her "What is you're first period," I asked her "Ha we have 1,3 , and 6 together," I said to her with a smile. We headed to our first period and took a sit together. "So Elena What is you're story," Sophia asked me "When I was born my father left my mom I still don't know know who my dad is or if he has another family I just know that my dad didn't want me so he left my mom for someone else when I was born he left who would do that to their own daughter what kind of fucken person would do that ," I said to Sophia with a tear rolling down my eyes. Sophia hugged me "Woah," she said not letting go "Class is about to begin," said the teacher.
"We meet again," said Sophia "Hi," I said with a smile "Come," I said to her leading her to the table "Boys meet Sophia," I said to them while I take a sit next to Mattia and Kairi "hi," Sophia said shyly. The boys introduced themselves and  we had a good talk. "Who's free after school," I said to the boys "Obviously we all are," Mattia said "Is he you're boyfriend," Sophia said to me from across the table "Ooh no Mattia isn't my boyfriend," I said laughing "Kairi is my boyfriend," I said with a smile and kissing his cheek. "What are we doing afterschool," Kairi asked "Let go to the mall Sophia's mom works at starbucks," I said smiling at them. They all agreed.
*Skip all the way to afterschool*
"Elena," Mattia said coming up to me "You look pretty today," he said with a smirk "Shut up Mattia you already told me," I said rolling my eyes. He laughed and gave me a side hug. "Hey Kai," I said going up to him and giving him a kiss "Hey baby," he said with a smile and hugging me giving me another peck on the lips. "I love you," he said "I love you," I said to him. "I'm riding with Alejandro," I shouted jumping on his back. "Alvaro, Roshuan and Robert ride with Mattia and the rest ride with Alejandro," Kairi said grabbing my hand and smiling. We headed to the mall and messed around a little before heading to starbucks. "I'll go order you're guys drinks," Sophia said we all have her our money and what we want before she left "So what do you guys think," I said "She's nice and shy," Alejandro said "Give her some time she would get comfortable," I said to them "Hey Baby are you okay," Kairi said to me I smiled at him "of course," I said with a smile Kairi hugged me and agreed. Sophia later came with our drinks and her mom. "Hi," her mom said coming up to us "I'm Jenny," her mom said we all introduced ourselves and talked for a while. "Well i need to go back to work nice meeting you all," Jenny said we got up to leave and go shopping for a while and Jenny stopped me "Elena I really appreciate what you are doing for my daughter Sophia is a really nice girl with a rough path," Jenny said I smiled at her "she's going to be okay," I smiled at Jenny and waved goodbye while walking away to catch up to the boys. I bought two outfits from forever 21 and one outfit from Pink. We dropped Sophia off with her mom and we headed home. "Elena can I say with you today," Kairi said with a smile I nodded since It really isn't that late and headed in my house to watch a movie...

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